XIRTAM x ALIEN Presale Details

3 min readApr 20, 2023


Xirtam Public Presale hosted by Alien

Xirtam will be hosting a two part presale one with Fjord and a “private-public sale” with AlienFi.

AlienFi pricing per token will be cheaper than Fjord. We are still awaiting the details from the Fjord raise to be able to calculate price per token and exact timelines. This article will be updated as we go.

In this article, we are pleased to present a comprehensive, step-by-step guide outlining how you can participate in the highly anticipated XIRTAM presale and begin establishing your knowledge and reputation within this dynamic community. The XIRTAM launch, one of the most eagerly awaited events of 2023, has finally arrived! After rattling your brains trying to solve the XIRTAM puzzle and being captivated by our numerous cinematic promotional videos, you may be curious about how to invest in the XIRTAM ecosystem. Read on to learn how you can contribute and become an integral part of our thriving community.

We will provide the information up to date, and as the launch date approaches, we will continue to update specific times and figures to ensure you have the latest details at your fingertips. Please note details may be subject to change.

AlienFi: Presale Details (Arbitrum Network)

📅 Date: April 26th, 2023 (following the Fjord raise)

Start time: TBA

End time: (presale will run for 24 hours)

👽Presale & Listing Price: $XIRTAM = TBA

👽 Tokens For Presale: 50,000,000 $XIRTAM
💰 Total Raise: 350 ETH

Raise will follow an overflow method and excess/unspent funds will be sent back to your wallet.

Overflow Method: Investors can contribute as much as they want or as little as they want to the AlienFi presale and their final allocation will be based on the number of funds they put in as a percentage of all funds put in by other users at the time the presale ends. It means the more you put in, the more you will get, and you’ll get back anything that doesn’t get spent.

To calculate your final allocation, you can use this formula:

(ETH Contributed By You / Total ETH Contributed) * Number of Tokens available for sale

Important links
How does Alien’s overflow method work: https://alien-2.gitbook.io/alien-finance/alien-launchpad

Check out “how to participate” in AlienFi IAOs here: https://medium.com/@alienfiarbi/alienfi-alien-presale-details-d43e12ad2ee1


April 23rd to April 27th → Fjord and Alien raise

April 27th → $XIRTAM tokens on Arbitrum Network are airdropped to the investors at a 1:1 ratio and trading of $XIRTAM on DEX goes live.

April 27th → Launch on DEXs and get listed on multiple exchanges within 24 hours

*Specific times are TBA

General $XIRTAM Details

Ticker: $XIRTAM
Network: Arbitrum (ERC-20)
Contract Address: (TBA)

Note: The XIRTAM team understands that this may be daunting for many of you especially if you are new to the crypto space. For this reason, the team will open voice chat in our telegram (linked below) throughout the days of the raise and launch day to help the community, we encourage any crypto enthusiasts to join and help us get everyone involved as well!

Web: https://www.xirtamtoken.com/

Telegram: http://T.me/xirtamtoken

Twitter: https://twitter.com/xirtamtoken?s=20

