How to Create Your Strategy with This Simple Method

Ali Erkurt
Product Business
Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2019


To create your strategy, you’ll need to start from somewhere.

Creating strategy may sound complicated and can be overwhelming.

As a creative strategist, I have a simple yet very effective method to create the ultimate strategy. I (also) call it 5W1H because it’s a method that I borrowed from journalism. This is the method that I’ve been using for years and telling students and attendees at my workshops, university classes and certificate program sessions.

You might be familiar with the illustrious The Five Ws. This is the method where you ask questions to gather information and solve problems. The same method is helping me to create, define, plan and execute the business, brand or digital strategy. Let’s take a look at each question to better understand and create our strategy:


  1. What?
  2. Who
  3. Where?
  4. Why?
  5. When?
  6. How?

This might seem really simple but each question has a lot of work to do. That’s why it’s simple yet effective. Each question is a bucket and you’ll need to fill your bucket with the right stuff. We have 6 buckets to fill. Let’s begin!

1. What?



Ali Erkurt
Product Business

Senior Product Manager at STARZ and award-winning professional from New York. Author of “Realm of Light: The Darkest Night” book.