The Complete Stun Gun Buyers Guide (Part 3) — Product Reviews, Disable Pins, Holsters and More!

SEO Expert
4 min readNov 8, 2022


Imagine the following situation for a moment: You went to the mall to meet some old, good friends. You had dinner together and watched a movie, and you had a great time as usual.

But it was getting late, and it was time to go home. A couple of friends offered to walk you to your car, but you said it was okay, that you could go alone. After all, this was something you did all the time, and nothing had ever happened …. Until that night.

The parking lot was deserted, which was rather unusual. You began to walk faster. Did you hear footsteps behind you, or were you just imagining it? Nervously you turned around … and there he was.

Yes, this big guy was no friend of yours, and his intentions seemed quite hostile to you. Quickly, you take your stun gun out of its holster and turn it on … Yes, the powerful non-lethal weapon with the right shape and voltage. But what happened next, you don’t quite understand to this day: all you knew was that the criminal had taken the stun gun away from you, somehow!

But when he pressed the fire button to use your powerful weapon against you …. nothing happened. It didn’t work! He was perplexed, wasn’t he? You could tell by the look on his face. And what happened next, he still doesn’t quite understand to this day:

He had pepper spray all over his face! It was the most terrifying experience he had ever had. His evil plans were thwarted: he was temporarily incapacitated. And you were safe, nowhere to be found!

Welcome back to the third and final part of the Stun Gun Buyer’s Guide. So far, you’ve learned about the different forms of stun guns (regular stun guns, mini stun guns, cell phone stun guns, and stun batons) and how to choose the best stun gun based on these categories. You also learned how to choose the right voltage.

Now you’ll learn about important additional features like deactivation pens, rechargeable stun guns, and holsters! This article will also feature the best stun guns per category. Are you ready? Then you’re ready to go!

What the poor criminal from our story didn’t know was that your device was not an ordinary stun gun…. Your device was equipped with a deactivation pen. “What’s that?” you may be asking yourself.

The answer is as simple as it is important: a deactivation pin is a thin metal rod attached to the stun gun in one place and to the end of a wrist strap in the other. Its purpose is to ensure that your stun gun continues to operate at full power….

As long as you have the gun in your hand (with the strap around your wrist, of course). If the non-lethal weapon is taken away from you, the deactivation pin will be disconnected from the device so that it will no longer function and cannot be used against you.

It must be made clear that it would certainly be a very rare and unfortunate event if someone took the stun device away from you. But it can happen. You must remember that ANY weapon can be taken away from you and used against you (even a shotgun). So whenever possible, try to buy a stun gun with a disabling pin (and a pepper spray as a “Plan B”!). You won’t regret it.

Another useful recommendation is to choose a stun gun with a free holster (buy one if your chosen stun gun is not included). Since you need to access your non-lethal weapon quickly and easily (especially in case of a surprise attack), a holster can be an essential part of your self-defense strategy. Don’t underestimate its importance: your stun gun may not be easily accessible if you leave it at the bottom of your purse or suitcase.

“What about rechargeable stun guns?” you may wonder. Yes, I haven’t forgotten about those. The ability to recharge them is certainly another very desirable extra in stun guns. “But rechargeable stun guns are more expensive, right?” some people may object. Well, that may be true in some cases. However, rechargeable stun guns may be more expensive now, but cheaper later (you don’t have to buy new batteries every time the old ones run out).



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