Top 10 Best Logo Designers on Fiverr in 2023

Ali Hassan
10 min readMar 23, 2023


Having a great logo is crucial for any business, as it serves as a representation of the brand’s identity and values. Whether you’re running a small business or a YouTube channel, it’s important to enlist the help of a skilled logo designer to create a unique and fitting design.

Fortunately, Fiverr provides an affordable option for logo design, with a wide variety of designers to choose from. However, it’s important to exercise caution when selecting a designer, as some have been known to engage in deceptive practices such as using copyrighted images, copying clipart, or using generic templates from the internet.

Best Options for Fiverr Logo Design

If you’re in search of excellent logo designers on Fiverr, then you should check out the following exceptional sellers who are definitely worth your investment of both time and money.


Grandpa-Designs has eight years of experience and a 4.9 rating of Fiverr. He has linked his Dribble account in the gig description, where you can see his portfolio.

Plus, he has taken Fiver’s skill test for Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, ranking among the top 20%.


Rroxx got over 14 thousand orders and a rating of 4.9. He is the top-rated seller in the niche. His average response time is two hours, so you’ll always have him on your beck and call. Also, the seller has over a thousand reviews, most of them positive.

It’s important to pay attention to the seller’s preferred style when choosing a freelancer for your logo design project. You can get a sense of their aesthetic by looking at their portfolio or reading their gig description. If you have a specific vision for your logo, make sure it aligns with the seller’s expertise.

For instance, if you want a bold and colorful design, but the seller’s specialty is creating simple and understated logos, you might not be completely satisfied with the result. In that case, it’s better to choose a freelancer whose style matches your preferences.


Mniluka is a highly skilled designer with expertise in creating logos, as well as proficiency in multiple design disciplines. With a remarkable 4.8 rating and more than a thousand positive reviews, Mniluka has established a reputation for delivering exceptional design work.

Similar to Rroxx, Mniluka is proficient in using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to bring his creative ideas to life.


Spark4Hope has been providing logo design services for almost a decade. During this time, she has successfully completed 10,000 orders, a testament to her experience and dedication. Her impressive portfolio is reflected in over a thousand positive reviews, with a high rating of 4.9.

As you go down to her gig description, you’ll see that she has completed the following Fiverr courses:

  • Adobe Illustrator Fundamentals
  • Adobe Illustrator Mastery
  • Personal Branding

Possessing these extra qualifications sets her apart from other sellers, giving her a competitive edge. With her mastery of Adobe Illustrator, you can rest assured that the quality of her work will be more than satisfactory.

Even better, the Personal Branding course must have equipped her with the necessary tricks of the trade — seller communication, responding to revisions, etc.


LogosKing has been a member of the platform since 2012 and has received over a thousand positive reviews with a perfect rating of 5, which shows that he is very good at what he does.

In their gig description, they mention having worked for an advertising agency for more than 17 years. Even better, you get a logo for under $50.


Diplomadon has been an active member of the platform since 2012, and he has maintained an impeccable rating of 5.

In his gig description, he mentions owning an IT company and having eight years of experience in graphic design. Over eight thousand people vouch for Diplomadon’s services.


Arundaksm is a highly regarded seller with a top-rated status, having successfully completed more than 7000 orders and maintained a perfect 5-star rating. Additionally, his gig description indicates that he has 12 years of experience in the field, which instills confidence in his ability to deliver high-quality work without any hiccups.

You’ll notice that Arundaskm chargers much higher than average sellers — around $80 to $100.

But his work justifies the price. If you choose top-rated sellers, you should be prepared to pay more as they’re the best in the niche.


Cre8iveartwork has an impressive record of having completed over ten thousand orders on the platform. They have received a rating of 4.8, which is a testament to their quality of work. Additionally, Cre8iveartwork has taken approximately 29 courses on Fiverr, demonstrating their commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement.

As an example, Cre8iveartwork has taken courses such as “Stories That Sell: 7 Secrets to Create Killer Content.” This indicates that in addition to delivering an aesthetically pleasing logo, their work is also likely to provide added value to your branding efforts. By working with this seller, you can expect to receive a high-quality logo that is both visually appealing and strategically effective.

When you come across such sellers, discuss your business strategy with them to get multi-faceted support. In some cases, they might charge you $10 or $20 for extra perks.


Alex-Logos is a Level Two seller who has a rating of 5 and over a thousand reviews.

He has five years’ experience designing logos for personal use, business, and events.


Ilovenish is a Level Two seller with seven years of experience in logo design. With over five thousand positive reviews and an impressive rating of 4.9, her work is highly appreciated by clients. A notable feature of her profile is the linked accounts, which enhances her credibility and professionalism

You can access her Dribble and Vimeo profile through these links. Plus, she has taken the Adobe After Effects and Adobe Illustrator skill tests, ranking among the top 20%.

Tips for Selecting a Fiverr Logo Designer

Selecting the right logo designer on Fiverr for your business and aesthetic requirements necessitates careful consideration of several factors. While these guidelines may not always be foolproof, they can typically prevent you from falling victim to scams.

Refrain from New Sellers

Although it may seem harsh, you may find it challenging to give new sellers a chance. Unfortunately, some inexperienced sellers produce work of MS Paint quality with little skill, making it difficult to trust their abilities.

The trend is pretty much the same across all platforms, whether it’s a multi-gig one like Fiverr or a design-specific site like Design Hill, 99Designs or Design Crowd.

To gauge a seller’s proficiency on Fiverr, you can assess their Seller Level. The platform employs a tiered system that sellers must meet specific goals to advance to the next level.

By checking a seller’s level on Fiverr, such as Level 1 or 2, you can gauge their experience and the number of logo design orders they have completed.

Sellers can only move up to the next level if they have maintained a record of adherence to Fiverr’s Terms and Services, indicating their trustworthiness.

It is advisable to consider a new seller only if their gig description appears appealing. Even then, you should request a draft before making a payment.

In an attempt to attract clients and establish themselves in the market, newcomers may offer additional benefits.

Check the Gig Image

The gig image on Fiverr is most often the creative’s own work unless specified otherwise. Since this is the first thing most buyers see, sellers try to put up their finest work as the gig image.

However, it’s quite possible that the logos don’t belong to them or have been taken off the Internet. You can confirm this by doing a reverse image search on Google.

You’ll often find that amateur designers have taken logos created by professionals and merely tweaked them a little to pass them off as their own.

Also, some gig images are rip-offs of logo designs that are readily available at Canva and related sites.

Beware of these things. Don’t be tempted to place an order by simply looking at the gig image. A Google Image search will quickly show you who the logo belongs to.

Observe the Portfolio

Once you click on a gig image, you’ll be directed to the next page where the seller has written a gig description and showcased their portfolio. In the Live Portfolio, you’ll see the logos designed by the seller for previous clients.

However, some sellers have turned this feature off. That’s a red flag. Don’t select a seller if you can’t see their Live Portfolio.

It’s obvious that they don’t consider their work good enough to be featured on the gig description page. Why would you select someone so dodgy for a freelance logo design?

Some sellers — that have turned the portfolio feature off — have mentioned their Flickr links on the gig page. Again, you can go through their Flickr profile and check if the logos are original or not. Remember: Google reverse image feature is your best ally.

While going through the Live Portfolio, ignore the first three images. These have been uploaded by the sellers themselves as Fiverr only allows you to upload three sample images. Instead, start judging from the fourth image as this is the seller’s recent work.

Go for High-Rated Freelancers

On Fiverr, you can filter the search results according to rating, locality, and other factors. Try to work with freelancers with a high rating, as it’s almost always a sign of reliability.

When you hire a freelance designer, you’re not merely paying for the logo but also for the punctuality and seller’s communication. Fiverr lets clients rate sellers for:

  • Service as described
  • Seller communication levels
  • Recommend to a friend

At a minimum, choose sellers with a rating of four or higher.

Read Buyers’ Reviews

Who better than the previous clients to tell you about a designer’s work quality? As you scroll down the gig description page on Fiverr, you’ll come to the Buyers’ Reviews.

Now, you have to be a little smart here. If you know how to read through the lines, you’ll quickly spot fabricated reviews. Most of them will be over the top and written in the same style. Avoid sellers with such reviews.

Also, read the negative reviews to find out things you need to be aware of. Does the seller miss deadlines? Do they respond unprofessionally when asked to make a revision?

If you know things like this beforehand, the Fiverr logo design process becomes smoother. Plus, you can avoid inconvenience after placing an order.

Unlimited Revisions and Money-Back Guarantee

Some sellers on Fiverr offer unlimited revisions for a gig that’s priced at $5 or $10. As absurd as it sounds, you’d often see the same sellers claiming to give a money-back guarantee.

It might sound like a good deal, but take a step back and ask yourself: Do I really need unlimited revisions?

A logo will only need unlimited revisions if it has been poorly-designed. In contrast, a well-designed logo will only require a few tweaks here and there.

Here’s a tip: If a deal on Fiverr seems too good to be true, go with your instinct. If you choose a seller who offers unlimited revisions for $5, you’ll spend a lot of time asking them to revise a poor logo.

Meanwhile, an experienced seller will satisfy you without taking up any of your time or effort.


Most people want to buy an affordable logo design and end up wasting their money on a logo that is too shabby to be used on their website. If you want cheap designs, you need to be smart. Moreover, it’s important to be realistic.

No one will design a Fortune 500-level logo for you for $5. Also, if you expect someone to do so, you’re abusing their art and skill.

However, you’ll notice that the pricing on Fiverr is more economical than Upwork or Freelancer.

Fiverr logo design pricing differs across the seller level and rating. The typical pricing for a logo design ranges between $20 and $50. If you think about it, that’s not a lot to pay for a logo that you’ll be using for years on practically everything related to your business.

Think of it this way: a logo may be a one-time investment, but it’s going to last a lifetime.

For example, if you’re a realtor, search for the best real estate logo designers on Fiverr rather than cheap logo maker. It will make a significant difference in the quality of work you get.

Also, experienced designers take the hassle off your hands. They’re more likely to correctly execute your thoughts through design than someone who has recently finished a two-week graphic design course on Coursera.


Your company’s logo must be a tasteful blend of the brand’s mission statement, aesthetic, and personality. Therefore, you must know what to look for in a Fiverr gig to get the best logo design for your money.

From affordable logo design packages to high-end professionally-made logos, minimalistic to chic, vibrant to muted, you’ll find all options on Fiverr. Hopefully, this guide will help you find the top 10 best Fiverr logo designers.

