The 9 mind control strategies that could just turn you into a master miracle worker

Aliis Kodis
13 min readJun 25, 2019


“A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.” — Patricia Neal




Three thieves that rob our peace of mind. Rob us of our time through sleepless nights and intense, stressful days.

Like when you have an overdue bill that needs paying by the first of the month. When you lose your job. When you’re sick with stress. When your kids are asking for things you can’t afford.

It’s at times like these the voice in the head says: “Time is running out!” “Why is there always too much month at the end of the money?” “I’m a failure!”

Does it sometimes feel like it’s a boa constrictor, slowly squeezing the life out of you? Do you even know if you could figure out how to wriggle free?

And off you go, down into a negative spiral, an in depth analysis of everything that could go wrong, will go wrong, has gone wrong, what your partner did wrong, what your parents did wrong that got you so messed up you now… Hate. Your. Life.

Am I right or am I right?

Have you ever had a day like that? Are you having one now?

If so: good news! You are not alone. You can get out of this. And when you figure out how to free yourself from the suffocating grip of stress, going through the trauma to the light on the other side could just be the biggest blessing you can imagine.

So how do you do it?

The answer is simple.

Here’s the secret!

All you need to do is:

Stop praying for further calamity!

“Excuse me?” I hear you say. “I can assure you I am doing No. Such. Thing.”

But with much love and compassion, I am here to tell you that if your life is not currently overflowing with abundance and joy, that’s exactly what you are doing.

It’s true. If you’ve ever thought a thought — good or bad — you’ve prayed a prayer.

If you ever wonder why your prayers go unanswered, consider for a moment that maybe what you’ve been thinking (praying) about hasn’t been for your highest good. Prayers are valid and answered at all times — not just during a reserved hour on Sundays.

Have you been complaining about life, whining and wishing it weren’t so? Focussing on all that’s wrong in your life, the run of bad luck, the illness, the loss of a job, your partner leaving you, the supermarket running out of avacados? I could go on but I hope you get the point.

Worst of all, have you been worrying recently?

Worrying is probably the worst praying you can do!

No matter what situation you are now in, it is, on some level, directly related to the thoughts you were thinking and the decisions you subsequently made, at some point in the past.

What we need to do right now is turn you into a miracle worker!

Miracle workers are merely those who have their thinking — their praying — under control. They have full mind control!

Importantly, because they are controlling their minds positively, they are receiving good advice — intuitive hits — from the universe.

They are then at liberty to act on the best information available in any circumstance.

And what others have achieved with their mind control you can do too, and “ these things and more shall you also do! “ Wise words indeed from someone who had it figured out 2,000 years ago — long before the internet and access to every bit of helpful information and opportunity you could imagine.

So, grab a notebook and pen and get ready for the 9 mind control strategies that could just change your life:

1. Be selfish: take full responsibility for YOUR life

This is about YOU.

What I refer to as “mind control” is not an excuse to try and manipulate others in some way, to somehow hypnotise them into doing what you want. This kind of approach will ultimately back fire and any gains will be quickly lost.

What we need here are long-lasting results not short-term gains with no powder in the cartridge.

This is a purely inside job. And if you can get it right on the inside, you’ll notice improvements on the outside!

There. Is. No. Other. Way.

As within, so without.

The only person you can fully control is yourself. So don’t waste time hoping someone else will come to the rescue. It ain’t gonna happen!

I can assure you that if you think anyone apart from you owes you anything, you are destined for failure and disappointment.

So: from this moment on, look out for Number One. Get your own house in order. Build a stable foundation on which to create a fabulous life.

Remember, you can’t pay your bills with someone else’s opinions…


You could highly improve your chances of paying them in full, on time, with your own. It’s time to step up to the plate.

Take responsibility!

2. Be + Do = Have

Imagine this scenario for a moment: your bank account is full. You have at your disposal a wonderful home, car, golf club membership and whatever else you desire. You’ve booked a first class vacation to Hawaii. Everything is great!

Just get a picture of your “perfect” life situation in your mind.

Now tell me, how would you feel as you walked down the street with no cares in the world knowing your bank account was full and all was well?

Would you feel happy? Peaceful? At ease?

Great! This is the feeling we need to create — the exact opposite of worry.

To get to generate happiness, peace, ease or any other positive feeling, we need to activate the Be + Do = Have formula.

Here’s how you do that:

  • Pick a positive feeling you would like to cultivate in this moment and do everything you can to move into the feeling of that. Let’s say you desire to Be happy.
  • If the Be element is difficult to do given your current life situation, begin toact as if you are happy. And if that seems difficult or just downright fake, something to makesomeone else happy. this: give away what you desire for yourself.
  • Make someone laugh! Make them smile. You will then discover that you Have happiness — are it — because you could not have given away what you did not have.

So you see this is a virtuous circle. You create what you desire to have by giving it away. Little by little. Day by day.

There is however a disclaimer to this:

Whatever you do, do it with sincerity and integrity, not just for the hope you may get something back in return. You must have a genuine desire for the other to have what you have regardless, or it won’t work.

Bottom line: you cannot fool the universe. No way. It’s bigger and smarter than you are. It knows what’s in your heart and can spot an ulterior motive from 400 light years away.

3. Control the speed of time like Albert Einstein

Now we’ve got the Be + Do = Have (B+D=H) equation operating, let’s supercharge it!

Einstein, one of the greatest minds of all time, may well have discovered the Law of Relativity but the good news everyone can use it… and everyone does.

You’ve surely had the experience where you’re doing something you love and the time just… goes! But get trapped in a boring or stressful situation and time d-r-a-g-s…

To control the speed of time, do this: get lost in the moment doing something useful while you’re being what you want to be.

To me writing is like time speed control because time flies when I’m doing it. I get to be creative. It’s great!

When I’m in the B+D state doing what I like to do, I “get H”. I have more intuition. I feel even more creative.

The answers become more obvious.

It’s another virtuous circle.

Try this for yourself. It works!

4. What then, is the best prayer?

This is really simple.

Just say “thank you.”

A lot.

For the good, the bad and the indifferent.

To the bus driver, the waiter, your partner, your boss.

To Yourself.

Fact is, whatever and whoever is here in your physical reality was ultimately created by you at some level so welcome it all in.

If it’s a less than desirable situation, what could it teach you? How could you deal with it and come out the other side bigger and better than ever before?

If your boss acts like a jerk, is he or she actually an angel in disguise?

Appreciate all of it. Thank God/Source/Infinite Intelligence for creating the perfect situation in which you have the opportunity to move up to the next level of the grandest version of you.

And if it seems too far-fetched to believe all this is actually for your own good when all you can see around is chaos, you could still give thanks by being open to the possibility that just maybe things are on the right track after all.

Try a soft statement of acceptance that you can fully believe such as:

Thank you for helping me see this differently

… and then go about your business.

How many times have you survived a tricky life experience only to be thankful once it had ended that you did?

A softer statement of open-mindedness that you believe in can create excellent results.

Play with this a little bit and come up with some thank you statements of your own.

5. Acknowledge the crucifixion… but do not dwell on it!

This is one of the teachings from A Course In Miracles. Nasty, horrible, frightening, embarrassing, intimidating, (insert your crucifixion here) things happen. Absolutely they do.

That’s a fact.

But does thinking about them over and over and over and getting more and more and more freaked out help?


Of course not.

Thankfully there are two steps you can take right now to reverse the “freaking out” downward spiral.

Forgive yourself.

Guess what! You messed up! Who’d have thought it! What a fool you are!

But heck. Are you really the only person in the world who has ever made a mistake, gotten into a pickle or done something horrifyingly embarrassing? Sorry to break it to you but this is not an exclusive club!

We’re all members.

Give yourself a break. Apologise and call on the Law of Forgiveness to neutralize the situation. (But remember you have to do this with sincerity, see Point 2).

Employ the R + B + D = H formula (where “R” = Responsibility — see Point 1)

This is where you will:

Take Responsibility (acknowledge what you did, apologise and prepare to move on) + Be (happy etc.) + while you Do (give useful, honest service) = Have peace of mind, clarity, find a way out.

If you’re not sure what to Do, just ask! Ask Source/God/Buddha what you should Do and then listen for a hunch, an intuitive lead to Do something.

It could be something as banal as opening a newspaper… only to see the answer to your problem staring you in the face in the small ads.

When you get your hunch, go straight to Point 4, give thanks and get doing!

6. Bad news! Time travel exists!

Lots of people think time travel is a good thing. After all, Hermione Granger couldn’t have studied every class at Hogwarts without a Time Turner.

We are told that travelling at terrifyingly fast speeds through space can warp time, meaning the people on the space ship will age at a different rate to the rest of us back on earth.

But is time travel available much closer to home? Have we all achieved this remarkable feat at some point or other in our boring, day-to-day lives?

An experiment:

What did you have for lunch yesterday? What will you have for lunch tomorrow?

Guess what! As you answered those questions, you time-travelled!

Indeed, is your mind constantly jumping backwards to horrid pasts or forwards to frightening futures?

That’s time travel.

Stop it.

“Easier said than done!” you say!

Well, not really. You stop your mind from time travelling by stopping it from doing that.

Give it something else to think about instead. Your mind can only think about one thing at a time, and if it’s busy in the Now, you can’t time travel.

Change the thought immediately.

Focus on something positive you can do right Now. Even if it’s just cleaning your apartment.

Or, go straight to Point 5, activate the R + B + D = H formula and get present!

7. If the 5 people closest to you are jerks, that’s fabulous!

You’ve no doubt already heard you’re the sum of the five people you spend most of your time with.


But now you’re awake. You’re taking responsibility. You know that if you want to get ahead you need to remove yourself from the company of people who are still asleep and causing chaos without realising it.

But what if you can’t just cut all ties and happily go your separate ways?

Now you know how important it is to live in the present as much as you can and to at least be open to good things heading your way: start acting like a detective.

Put on your deerstalker, hide inconspicuously behind a newspaper and observe what’s going on.

Study the people around you. What does their attitude and behaviour tell you about their world view? Is it helpful or hurtful?

What is it suggesting You should stop doing or start doing if you want things to radically improve?

Look to discover all the ways people sabotage themselves without even realising it! In particular pay close attention to what they say. If it’s things like “I’m broke, I can’t afford it” you’re receiving an advanced certification in how to keep your life stuck on rewind.

Your words are causes. They have far reaching effects! They do not return to you void.

So say the opposite, tell the story of what you wish to attract into your life, how you intend it to be. In the Bible it tells us “ Let the weak say I am strong!

But perhaps don’t say it out loud. Don’t share your findings and conclusions unless you want a broken nose — literally or figuratively. Some people don’t like to be disturbed while they’re sleeping and will react violently if shaken.

8. Meditation requires full alertness and a wakened state

We need to move beyond the sitting-on-a-cushion-in-the-lotus-position-chanting-Om thing.

Heck I can’t even get into the lotus position! Therefore I can’t meditate. Right?


Have you ever been for a walk, done some gardening, washed your hands? Or made a ham sandwich, stroked a kitten or watched a sunset?

These are all opportunities to meditate!

All of life is a meditation!

Cushions, lotus positions and Nag Champa incense are purely optional.

The trick with this is to be fully present with whatever you do. And so, this is a great way to add extra punch to the Doing part of the R + B + D = H formula. Whatever you Do, do it consciously, deliberately and with full integrity.

Meditations like these are also very useful for preventing time travel (see Point 6). Use them to add focus to whatever you are doing right Now, to crowd out thoughts of past and future. Who needs them when this, right here, is all there is?

Bonus: If you get good at this you will discover you can actually stop time.

If you can get laser-like clarity on what is happening, what you are doing, right Now in this moment, you might just realise — if only for a split second — that the world stops… and there is nothing to worry about.

That just in this moment you’re in the process of figuring it out. Things are ultimately working out for you. And for that you are thankful (see Point 4).

9. Ban affirmations!

What? That’s heresy!

Why would we do that?

Because before you start blindly affirming this and that, we need to get rid of the affirmations that are keeping you stuck.

We need to be absolutely sure that when you affirm the subconscious is getting the right memo from front office.

If not, you will stay Right. Where. You. Are.

Bottom line: an affirmation will only work to the degree your mind will accept it as true. (See also Point 4).

What we’re talking about here are what Gary Craig calls “tail-enders”, the “yeah, buts…” that emotionally spike you like an electric shock when you attempt to use an affirmation that just doesn’t sit right.

For example, you might affirm:

I am successful

And your mind immediately shoots back a tail-ender “Like heck you are!” (and worse) — this is the true affirmation.

And your mind immediately shoots back a tail-ender “You are joking, right?” (and worse) — this is the true affirmation.

And so on.

These negative tail enders are dangerous because these are the affirmations that in your feeling world you believe to be true. These are the affirmations that ultimately manifest in the physical around you.

So, what to do?

We need to focus on what Neale Donald Walsch describes as the “Sponsoring Thought” — the thought behind the thought. — and design our affirmations around that.

To do this we will start with the statement “I Am…”

“I Am” is the ignition key of the Universe. This is why if you don’t fully believe what you’re declaring yourself to be, you’re in trouble. The Universe can only bring you what you believe — the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God!

Follow “I Am” with a positive, present tense (we need to focus on what we desire and avoid time travel), believable statement that doesn’t spike you emotionally when you say it. Perhaps try something like:

I Am figuring this out I Am on my way to becoming a great writer I Am expecting great things to happen to me today I Am… [insert your own statement here]

Spend some time playing with this and create your own, personalised, BELIEVABLE I Am statements.

So there you have it.

These are the 9 mind control secrets in a nutshell!

Look, you don’t need me to tell you that feeling overwhelmed, worried and frightened SUCKS. It robs your peace of mind. And it’s only when you have peace of mind that you can think clearly enough to find a way out.

From my perspective prayer — or mind control — really is the absolute trick to this. Considering our minds are operating at full power 16–18+ hours a day, the best thing you could do for yourself is keep on top of your thoughts at all times.

In other words, wake up and become conscious! Notice what’s going on in your thought world and ask yourself if it’s helping or hindering.

I dare you to try this for seven days and see what changes occur. Let’s face it, what have you got to lose?

This is free. It puts you in the driver’s seat of your own life. Let the intuition you receive guide you to better times ahead.

This is your moment!

Reinforce your positive mental attitude with mind control…

Take responsibility

… and …

Expect Miracles!

Want to know more? Act now and take a look at my kindle book Paradigm Shift, Think Better Live Better for more tips on living life on your own terms!

Originally published at on June 25, 2019.



Aliis Kodis

Founder of, making 2024 the year I do the things most people only talk about doing. Writer. Speaker. Money Coach. How can I help?