Thoughts are things!

Aliis Kodis
3 min readJun 3, 2019


You don’t need VR.

Powerful thoughts backed by faith and desire can take you anywhere you want to go. You can have the life you choose simply by being careful about the thoughts you entertain — remember thoughts are things, and powerful things at that! The place you are now is simply the result of the thoughts and decisions you have made to date. The good news is that if you don’t like it, you can change it!

You can choose at any time to change the way you think and in so doing you will ultimately change your results and so your direction in life. There is no other way. You have to get the thinking right to get the results right. And, remember this: thoughts are the only thing in your life over which you have full control. Think about that for a second. Thoughts are the only thing in your life over which you have full control. You decide what to think and what new ideas to entertain or discard. Can you see how important the way you think actually is? It is the rudder that guides you through life, whether that’s to sunny shores or stormy seas.

The Law of Mental Equivalency explains how your thoughts create your reality. According to this Law, vivid thoughts, energised with emotion, will always seek to create their physical equivalent. As within, so without. Your outer world must become a reflection of your inner world, your thoughts. So my question to you is, what are your dominant thoughts? How do you think? What do you think about as you drive to work or wake up in the morning?

How do you speak to yourself?

The last question is particularly important. The inner dialogue we have with ourselves can be very damaging to self-esteem. We must learn to speak to ourselves kindly because failure to do so will create in our reality the very things we are trying to avoid. If there are things in your life you don’t like, this is why. You have to take control of what you’re thinking so you can begin to manifest the things you truly want. And here I am talking only of the things that YOU truly want. This is your life, and you should be living it on your own terms, not your parent’s terms, your spouse’s, your children’s or your boss’s. You can only be truly happy when you begin to follow your own dream.

I hope you can see that YOU have the power, within you, to change your circumstances as soon as you decide to. I want you to think big and design for yourself, in your mind, the most wonderful life you can possibly imagine. I am not interested in the ‘how’ at this stage, only in the ‘what’. The how, by the way, will take care of itself. All you need to do right now is decide what it is you actually want.

And again, this is what you want, no-one else. And neither should you limit yourself to what you think is possible. I want you to dream and think big. If you aren’t where you want to be today, where do you want to be in six months from now? A year? Five years? Where will you be? Doing what? And with whom?

Ditch the headset. This is reality.

Originally published at on June 3, 2019.



Aliis Kodis

Founder of, making 2024 the year I do the things most people only talk about doing. Writer. Speaker. Money Coach. How can I help?