Alicia Rodriguez
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Designing for SAAS

3 stories

Data table for entrrprise UX
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Information Architecture

2 stories

Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Design resources

76 stories

Image showing two examples. One image is showing a multi-page form and the other is showing one long form.
intro image modern CSS layout
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez


17 stories

A man nervously holding hands and sitting somewhere, where a bored interviewer is looking down and not really paying attnetion
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez


44 stories

intro image modern CSS layout
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

AI resources

12 stories

Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Animations transitions

1 story

A smartphone app screen transitions between states. During the transition, a small blue card titled “Profile view” expands to fill the entire screen, transforming into a new page.
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Quality Assurance (QA)

1 story

A Happy Path Design QA approved sticker with a GEN AI image of a path going through a forest and mountains
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Working with stakeholders

2 stories

Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

UX Resources

27 stories

A woman looking through a large set of binoculars
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Naming conventions

1 story

Comparing different ways of naming components
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Coding/Token Resources

2 stories

Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

User Testing

2 stories