Alicia Rodriguez
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

UX Resources

28 stories

Screenshot of Safari search bar at the bottom of the screen
A woman looking through a large set of binoculars
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez


45 stories

The official release of Figma AI at Config 2024 in San Francisco. It is probably the start of a new era of how we think about creating UI. What will now matter to design managers when it comes to hiring. (image source: Figma)
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez


18 stories

A bunch of Ideal Designer Profiles created by ChatGPT.
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Designing for SAAS

3 stories

Data table for entrrprise UX
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Information Architecture

2 stories

Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Design resources

76 stories

Image showing two examples. One image is showing a multi-page form and the other is showing one long form.
intro image modern CSS layout
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

AI resources

12 stories

Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Animations transitions

1 story

A smartphone app screen transitions between states. During the transition, a small blue card titled “Profile view” expands to fill the entire screen, transforming into a new page.
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Quality Assurance (QA)

1 story

A Happy Path Design QA approved sticker with a GEN AI image of a path going through a forest and mountains
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Working with stakeholders

2 stories

Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Naming conventions

1 story

Comparing different ways of naming components
Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

Coding/Token Resources

2 stories

Alicia Rodriguez

Alicia Rodriguez

User Testing

2 stories