Traveling Makes You a Better Person

Ali Mostoufi
5 min readAug 16, 2023


Comfort. For some, it’s the very essence of happiness. Yet, it can sometimes border on complacency or even laziness. After all, our brain’s biology is inherently wired to conserve energy, which often means minimizing the mental exertions of our thought processes.

Plus, our brain is the primary architect of habit formation. When nestled in comfort, it often steers clear of unfamiliar ideas, ones that aren’t readily supported by our habitual thinking patterns. So, even if there’s an enticing new park just a few miles away, the allure of a familiar TV show at home often wins. The path of least resistance typically prevails in our easy decision-making.

The pitfall of perpetual comfort is that inspiration can fade over time, causing our world to contract, much like a frog that lives in a narrow well and little light to see the world clearly. Indeed, it’s widely acknowledged that many big city natives seldom venture outside their own neighborhoods, let alone the country. The prevailing sentiment often is, “I have everything I need right here.”

We’re in the midst of a globalization surge. It’s almost impossible to venture to any corner of the world without encountering the familiar golden arches of McDonald’s! Yet, our world is brimming with diverse experiences that only reveal themselves when we venture beyond our familiar surroundings.

We know there’s immense value in challenging the comfort of routine and pushing oneself to step outside familiar boundaries, embracing the uncertainties of the unknown. Even those deeply anchored in familiarity discover that when they’re pushed to step outside their comfort zone, like attending a friend's wedding in a new place, there’s a significant boost in their happiness. These new experiences often reshape and rejuvenate perspectives, leading to newfound moments of joy and appreciation.

Then there are individuals who yearn for something deeper than the fleeting satisfaction TikTok and motivational speakers provide. They are on a quest to rekindle their imagination, seeking a renewed sense of presence and awareness. It’s similar to switching old batteries in a flashlight — the once dim light suddenly beams brightly, illuminating the path ahead.

Watching the land shift beneath the plane has always been a recalibrating experience. As we float through the air, an intricate exchange between the absolute laws of physics and the randomness of nature unfolds as though engaged in a delicate negotiation between life and death.

Cities begin to condense into clusters, roads narrow into the finest lines, and forests shape into textured abstractions. In the older cities, the patterns weave and twist like a spider’s web, a tangible record of history and growth.

Looking down, a simple thought strikes me. Each road, with its twists and turns, has its own story. And as long as there’s a path ahead, there’s always something new to discover. That is until we touch down, and the cabin door swings open, serving as a portal that lets us reemerge into a new world.

There’s undeniable value in seeking out new experiences. For me, the allure of embracing change far outweighs the comfort of staying stagnant. As the law of physics dictates, “An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion” This principle governs the world and sheds light on human tendencies. The more we stay rooted in one place, the more we sink into our comfort zones, dimming our drive to explore. To reignite that spark, it’s essential to embrace change and venture into the unfamiliar.

Researchers in behavioral science have found that when we shift our surroundings, it can significantly reshape our actions and responses. By placing ourselves in new environments, our brain becomes more receptive, alert, and open to change since familiar cues that trigger old habits are missing. Moreover, novel settings offer fresh perspectives, prompting us to step outside our comfort zones. They also reduce the constant hum of stress, further facilitating a more adaptable mindset. Our brain’s plasticity shines in these situations, allowing us to learn, adapt, and evolve at accelerated rates. It’s much like pressing the reset button; the change in our physical space can symbolize and catalyze a fresh start, propelling us toward growth and transformation.

Sure, we might have found a rhythm that seems to work for us, but without stepping out, we risk missing out on paths that might offer even richer experiences. This is precisely why traveling gifts us with fresh perspectives. Being faced with unfamiliar views and cultures, we’re more likely to step outside our comfort zones and try things we wouldn’t usually consider. Given that, there are more options available that might be immediately obvious or imaginable. A simple shift in perception can lead us to new, exciting ventures.

So I’ve chosen to challenge the gravitational pull that tempts me to settle, that quiet voice suggesting I should be satisfied with what’s directly ahead. I recognize that going to extremes can be counterproductive — forever searching, never finding a place to call home. Yet, I believe there’s a sweet spot to be found. A balance where one can stand firm on familiar ground, then set forth into the unknown to augment and deepen the reservoir of experiences they already have.

Embracing this approach has consistently ushered in fresh inspirations and insights for me, so much so that the rewards vastly outweigh the unease of change. What’s novel today becomes familiar tomorrow, only to be refreshed once more by another wave of discovery.

Before long, you recognize that many of the perceived limitations around us are merely camouflaged barriers created by the confines of our comfort zones. Always remember, there are more options available to you than meet the eye. A simple shift in perception can pave the way to new and exhilarating adventures.

I’m firmly convinced that traveling refines us, broadening our horizons. As we journey across the globe, we gain insights into varying perspectives, discovering firsthand how traditions mold beliefs and influence thought processes. Even if the understanding isn’t perfect, it’s a step toward global empathy and enlightenment. Genuine perspectives quickly ground our understanding when our hearts are open and receptive. Such experiences dispel prejudices that often stem from ignorance or a lack of prior knowledge.

Absolutely, the term “traveling” can evoke various images for different people. For some, it’s about relaxation and escape, characterized by sandy beaches, luxurious resorts, and cocktails with little umbrellas. For others, travel is a deep dive into unfamiliar territories — a quest for understanding and connection. It’s about navigating through bustling streets, tasting unfamiliar foods, listening to new languages, and immersing oneself in the intricacies of a different culture. Such experiences broaden our perspectives, challenge our beliefs, and foster a deeper sense of existence. By stepping out of our usual selves and engaging with the world around us, we don’t just see new places; we also gain self-awareness.

Traveling not only expands one’s horizons but also fosters openness, understanding, and adaptability. Meeting different cultures and understanding diverse lifestyles can change perceptions and challenge preconceived notions. It gives us the opportunity to walk in others’ shoes, even if just for a moment, teaching us humility, patience, and joy. Every journey provides an opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. In essence, the more of the world you see, the more enriched and enlightened you become.



Ali Mostoufi

Classical music, food, wine, travel, painting, reading, writing, photography, philosophy, technology, product design, research & optimism.