Bamboo Extract: Skincare Benefits and What You Need to Know

Alina Amer
3 min readNov 10, 2023


What is Bamboo Extract?

Bamboo extract is a purified form of bamboo that contains high levels of silica. Silica is an amazing natural compound that helps your skin build a powerful barrier against sun damage and dry texture. The collagen-boosting properties of silica speed up skin cell regeneration and leave you with softer, younger-looking skin within four weeks of use. Thinking of introducing this miracle ingredient into your skincare regime? Keep reading to discover the top three bamboo extract skin benefits.

1. Brighter Complexion

Struggling with dull, patchy skin? Bamboo extract is rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that fades discolouration and evens out your skin tone. While vitamin C is currently trending in skincare as a one-size-fits-all ingredient, the high concentration of this antioxidant in synthetic products may irritate you if you have sensitive skin. The lower dosage of vitamin C in bamboo extract benefits your skin by inhibiting melanin production without causing inflammation. After three weeks of application, you’ll notice a more even, glowing complexion and a significant reduction in hyperpigmentation.

2. Younger-Looking Skin

While no skincare ingredient out there can completely turn back the clock when it comes to ageing, bamboo extract comes close. The silica in bamboo extract repairs the collagen in your skin from the harmful effects of UV damage. Collagen is a protein that maintains your skin’s elasticity and makes up most of the connective tissues in your skin. Silica functions as a glue that lends strength and flexibility to these connective tissues. When you add bamboo extract to your skincare routine, the active ingredient of silica will penetrate deep into the layers of your skin to increase firmness and elasticity.

3. Hydration that Lasts

Is your pet skincare peeve dry, flaky skin? The vitamin E in bamboo extract benefits your skin by increasing its capacity to retain moisture and stay hydrated throughout the day. After a few days of use, you’ll notice improved skin elasticity, smoother application of makeup products, and softer skin texture. In the long term, your skin’s ability to retain natural oils will improve, leaving you with a more resilient barrier against environmental damage and wrinkles.

Ready to Add Bamboo Extract to your Skincare Routine?

We stock a range of products that feature bamboo extract as an integral ingredient. These products are teamed with other powerhouse formulas designed to take your skin to the next level. Bamboo extract skin benefits are best optimised when you add at least one other active ingredient to your regime. On the hunt for an exfoliator gentle on sensitive skin? Our Signature Revitalising Facial Scrub combines bamboo extract with walnut shell powder and rosehip oil to provide light exfoliation and a baby-smooth finish to your complexion. Or perhaps you want a body scrub that makes you glow from head to toe? Our Invigorating White Tea and Jasmine Body Scrub pairs bamboo extract with volcanic sand to nourish your skin.



Alina Amer

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