12 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

3 min readDec 6, 2019


For more energy during the day, pack your diet with healthy metabolism-boosting foods.

To benefit your metabolism, your appetite, and your waistline, snacks need to have protein and fiber. Harley Pasternak

1. Water

If you’re sipping a glass of water right now, add a few more ice cubes for an instant metabolism boost. When you drink cold water, your body must warm it up, and that burst of energy leads to fat burning. Be sure to keep a bottle of water with you at all times; good things happen when you drink water all day.

2. Eggs

The incredible, edible egg doesn’t just make for a filling breakfast; it speeds up your metabolism, too! That is probably due to its high protein content. Add eggs to your high- protein meal plan to boost your metabolism while keeping you full in between meals.

3. Green Tea

Steep a cup of green tea every day for a hearty serving of antioxidants. The jury is still out, but research has found that drinking green tea each day can increase your body’s fat metabolism. this is what happens when you drink tea every day.

4. Whole Grains

Replacing refined flour like white breads and pastas with high-fiber foods like whole grains has been shown to increase our resting metabolic rate. In other words, your body will burn more calories while lounging around.

5. Coffee

As if you needed another reason to reach for that second cup of Joe in the morning! The caffeine in coffee not only makes your coworkers much more likable, it also speeds up your metabolism. A recent study found that drinking three cups of coffee per day equals 100 extra calories burned.

6. Lemons

Squeeze a lemon wedge over your meal or into your ice water. Studies have found that the properties in lemons can speed up your metabolism and decrease feelings of hunger. Try keeping a bottle of lemon water with you throughout the day or add even more flavor with a pitcher of lemon, ginger and turmeric water.

7. Lentils

Adding high-protein food like lentils to your meals will keep you full all day. Lentils are also rich in fiber to keep your gut healthy and metabolism humming along. Try simmering them for a bowl of hearty lentil soup or adding cooked lentils to your lunch salad.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Drinking apple cider vinegar may help your body boost fat burning and decrease the amount of stored fat in your body. Apple cider vinegar can also help promote feelings of fullness after meals. Take a closer look at the benefits of drinking ACV.

9. Chili Peppers

The capsaicin found in chili peppers won’t just make your eyes water; it will also boost fat burning. Research has shown that eating chili peppers can increase metabolism while reducing feelings of hunger.

10. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a favorite of both health and beauty for its many benefits, and we can now add fat-burning to that list. It’s rich in medium-chain-triglycerides which are known to increase your metabolic rate and promote fat burning for energy.

11. Ginger

Eating fresh ginger contributes to weight loss and faster metabolism. It has also been found to improve insulin and cholesterol levels.

12. Flax seed

Flax seeds are another fiber powerhouse known to boost metabolism and overall health. They’re also rich in protein to keep you full between meals. Ground flax seed can be added to your morning smoothie or oatmeal as a part of a high-fiber meal plan.

