How My Friend Earned $1,000 a Month on Fiverr?

The secrets of success on the World’s Largest Freelance Marketplace.

Ali Nawaz
3 min readOct 28, 2023
Photo by Anjo Clacino on Unsplash

In today’s world, where everyone is in a race to earn money, I am sharing my best friend’s story with you.

Hang with to know…….

How a young man turned his skills into a thriving online teaching business, earning $1,000 per month and making his dream of studying abroad a reality.

Let’s explore how Ahmed harnessed his skills, determination, and the power of online freelancing to transform his life.

The story starts with Ahmed’s struggle…….

Ahmed’s story begins with the all-too-familiar struggle of wanting to pursue higher studies abroad but being unable to afford it.

In a fortunate turn of events, a friend introduced him to Fiverr, a popular online freelancing platform. At that moment, Ahmed realized he had found a lifeline.

How did he Identify his Skills?

With a strong desire to overcome his financial hurdles, Ahmed embarked on a journey of self-discovery. He recognized that he possessed valuable skills he could offer to a global audience.

………………………….The key was to figure out what he could teach and how he could monetize that knowledge…………………...

Ahmed started by identifying his areas of expertise, which included subjects like mathematics, English, history, and social sciences.

He decided to create teaching gigs on Fiverr, offering his services to students aged 5 to 10.

Each hour of instruction was priced at $20, making it affordable for potential clients while ensuring a reasonable income for himself.

How did he Build a Client Base?

Starting from scratch, Ahmed faced the challenge of attracting clients to his newly created Fiverr gigs. He knew that the competition on the platform was fierce, but he was determined to stand out.

Through dedication and some strategic marketing, Ahmed managed to secure his first clients. Word of mouth and positive reviews from satisfied students helped him gain recognition and credibility.

Soon, he had three students attending his online classes regularly.

The Power of Consistency:

Ahmed taught his young students for just three hours each day, but the impact on his financial situation was profound.

By spending a mere 60 hours per month on his Fiverr teaching gigs, he earned a steady income of $1,000. This level of consistency allowed him to regain financial stability and plan for his higher education abroad.

Ahmed’s story is a testament to the potential that resides within each of us. Many people possess skills or knowledge that can be shared with others, helping them earn a living while enriching the lives of those they teach.

It doesn’t require advanced degrees or rare talents; rather, it’s about identifying your strengths and finding a way to package them for a global audience.

Fiverr, among other freelancing platforms, offers a bridge to financial independence and an opportunity to turn skills into income. As Ahmed’s journey shows, it’s a path that can lead to brighter futures and the fulfillment of dreams.

Ahmed’s success is not a unique case but an inspiring example of what determination and online platforms like Fiverr can achieve.

It reminds us that opportunities are all around us, waiting to be harnessed for personal and financial growth.


Ahmed’s journey from financial hardship to affording higher studies abroad is a story of inspiration and empowerment.

It serves as a reminder that, in today’s digital world, opportunities for financial success and personal growth are more accessible than ever.

If you are determined to change your circumstances, you can harness the power of online freelancing to achieve your goals.

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Ali Nawaz

Hey! I am a student, trying to figure out the way to both ends meet.