Deploy your own crypto trading platform [OpenDAX] on Digital Ocean in 15 minutes!

Artem Linetskyi
4 min readDec 10, 2019


Welcome, everyone! In this tutorial, we will deploy and start up a crypto trading platform from scratch using OpenDAX on Digital Ocean.

OpenDAX is an open-source cloud-native multi-service platform for building a Blockchain/FinTech exchange of digital assets, cryptocurrency and security tokens. The Crypto exchange software is developed at Openware.

It’s also an opensource project, so your own exchange could be started in 15 minutes, in 4 steps for $0*! How awesome is that? I think it’s amazing, so let’s get into it.

* there is no payment required, Digital Ocean gives free $50 credit for 30 days, at least for now.

1. Register on Digital Ocean

You can either register a new account or sign in with Google or Github.

Register or Sign in

After signing in, set up the billing account

Billing setup

After you’ve set up Billing, just add some information about your project and we’re ready to go.

Project Setup

Awesome, easy as that we’ve accomplished the first step and now ready to deploy!

Project Overview

2. Create a Droplet

Let’s click on Create and deploy a standard Debian-based droplet.

Droplet Creation

Also add a 100Gb block storage, formatted in Ext4 and add an SSH key to be able to connect to your Droplet.

Adding SSH key

Now our Droplet is ready and has a public IP assigned to it.

Deployed Droplet

3. Setup Droplet and clone OpenDAX

NOTE: Set up the DNS record, before proceeding to this step. You can use any DNS provider available to you.

Now, SSH to your droplet. Since we’ve added an SSH key, we can SSH with root.

SSH to Droplet

Prior to this tutorial I’ve prepared a script that will set up a docker-compose and ruby environment so that we can start immediately. So run the following command in your VM’s terminal

Now our VM is ready and we can clone OpenDAX:

4. Configure the installation and start it up

To configure the installation open the main configuration file config/app.yml

After all the configuration is in place, we’re ready to FIRE IT UP!

It’s as easy as running a simple command:

This command will take a while to execute since every image has to be pulled and started up, but once everything is up and running, we’ll be able to see this

Deployment result

A fully functional crypto trading platform in 15 minutes, following 4 simple steps. In the next tutorial, we’ll customize the frontend page with our own logo to make it more personal.

Stay tuned, leave your feedback and don’t forget to follow us on:




Artem Linetskyi

Software developer who likes to cook, travel and be his true self. Follow me here: