5 Advantage of Mobile Application Development in Era of Digitization

Aliqan Technologies
3 min readJul 24, 2018


Digital Revolution is gripping our world in the 21st century; nothing seems to be untouched by the digitization.

Wherever, whenever, and whoever ~ everyone is hooked into digital devices.

Today, smartphones, tablets, notebooks, iPod and smart watches are important part of our life. We cannot think of our life, without most of these electronic gadgets. They have become the necessity and are preferred by people from all walks and age of our society.

Therefore, smartphones and tablets have given birth to excessive use of internet; in fact they are now the primary device for access to the internet. The user experience has therefore, become first priority for every brand and businesses to maintain an edge over their competitors.

Shout Out: This digital revolution has given birth to ‘mobile applications’, also known as ‘Mobile App’.

What is a mobile application?

According to a mobile application development company in Delhi — a mobile application is related to an application based software built to suit or function on mobile devices. It supports devices like ‘smartphones and tablets’.

The need of app is to provide same user experience and function available in PCs for mobile users. Apps are developed to cater special set of functions and features to targeted groups. They are generally small units of software.

Apple Inc. was first to launch apps for public in its ‘App Store’.

Mobile application can be known by various names. The popular names are ‘app, web app, online app, iPhone app, smartphone app, Android app’.

Current Scenario of Web and Apps:

Mobile applications today are more users friendly and preferred by mobile users. The survey conducted has concluded that approximately bring high revenue returns, more reference, easy popularity, branding and less work force to maintain.

So, in current scenario ‘apps’ are unbeatable and gaining momentum. Often mobile apps are customized, developed to suit your business needs, and is a solution for your users to get desired end results. Most of the time apps are also developed keeping in mind a specific group of audience. Therefore, it’s advised to always opt for customized mobile application development for higher business interactions.

Advantages of Mobile Application Development:

  • It makes you competitive, productive and business oriented.
  • Business apps are aimed at improving efficiency. Its goal is to eradicate the need for multiple software or evaluation tool. It is built to increase work cycle of your employees, get along well with your users and focus on high ROI.
  • They can be easily upgraded, released with advanced features or scalability. Thus, they are not restricted by growing users and business transactions or traffic. So, you can always enhance your mobile application ability to handle load according to need.
  • Mobile apps and game development company today ensures security from ‘malware, phishing, and viruses’. Thus, your user data, business data and confidential information are kept intact. The data security thus, provides credibility to your business in eyes of your users.
  • Amazing application to build long term relationship with clients. You can introduce products and services in real time. Adjustments and offers or prices can be instantly changed. Also you can get feedback and reviews for improving your application features.

There are 100 benefits of mobile application development, and you should think for your business to face stiff competition.



Aliqan Technologies

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