React js

7 min readJan 6, 2024


React is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications with frequent UI updates. Developed and maintained by Facebook, React allows developers to create reusable UI components and manage the state of an application more efficiently and predictably. It uses a virtual DOM to optimize the rendering process, updating only the parts of the actual DOM that have changed, which results in improved performance.

Key features of React include its component-based architecture, which encourages a modular and reusable code structure, and the use of JSX (JavaScript XML). This syntax extension allows developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript. React promotes a declarative approach to building UIs, where developers describe the desired outcome, and React updates the DOM efficiently.

React also introduced the concept of “React Hooks,” which are functions that enable developers to use state and other React features in functional components, eliminating the need for class components in many cases.

SPA (Single Page Application):

  • A Single Page Application (SPA) is a type of web application architecture where the entire application is contained within a single HTML page. The content is dynamically updated as users interact with the application, and navigation is often handled using client-side routing. SPAs leverage AJAX and APIs to fetch and update data without requiring full-page reloads.


  • Dynamic Updates: Content changes dynamically without reloading the entire page.
  • Client-Side Routing: Navigation within the application is handled on the client side, updating the URL without requesting a new HTML page from the server.
  • Fast and Responsive: SPAs provide a fast and responsive user experience as only the necessary data is fetched, and UI updates occur dynamically.

MPA (Multi-Page Application):

  • A Multi-Page Application (MPA) is a traditional web application architecture where each distinct page is a separate HTML document. Navigating between pages involves full page reloads, and each page is requested from the server.


  • Full Page Reloads: Each interaction or navigation triggers a full page reload from the server.
  • Distinct URLs: Each page typically has a unique URL, making it easier for search engines to index content.
  • Server-Side Rendering: Content is generated on the server and sent to the client as complete HTML pages.

Angular, React, Vue, and Next.js are all popular technologies used for building web applications, but they have distinct differences in terms of architecture, syntax, data binding, and other key aspects. Here are the main differences between Angular, React, Vue, and Next.js:

1. Architecture:


  • Follows a comprehensive, opinionated MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.
  • Uses dependency injection and services for managing components.


  • Follows a component-based architecture.
  • Components are the building blocks, and the application structure is based on composing these components.


  • Also follows a component-based architecture, similar to React.
  • Offers flexibility in choosing between building single-file components or separating templates, scripts, and styles.


  • Built on top of React.
  • Provides additional features for server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), allowing for better performance and SEO.

2. Language:


  • Primarily uses TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript with static typing.


  • Primarily uses JavaScript (ES6+), with optional use of TypeScript.


  • Uses JavaScript, but also supports TypeScript if preferred.


  • Primarily uses JavaScript (ES6+), with optional use of TypeScript.

3. Template Syntax:


  • Uses HTML with additional Angular-specific syntax for directives and data binding.


  • Uses JSX (JavaScript XML) for creating component structures, blending HTML with JavaScript.


  • Uses HTML with additional Vue-specific syntax for directives and data binding.


  • Uses JSX as it is built on React.

4. Data Binding:


  • Implements two-way data binding, where changes in the model automatically update the view and vice versa.


  • Implements one-way data binding, allowing a unidirectional flow of data from parent to child components.


  • Supports both one-way and two-way data binding, providing flexibility in data management.


  • Follows React’s one-way data binding approach.

5. Learning Curve:


  • Generally has a steeper learning curve due to its extensive feature set and complex syntax.


  • Has a moderate learning curve, especially for those new to JSX.


  • Has a relatively low learning curve, making it accessible for beginners.


  • Has a moderate learning curve, especially for those already familiar with React.



  • A collection of pre-written code/modules that perform specific tasks.


  • Developers use specific functions as needed within their application.


  • Developers have more control over the application’s flow and structure.


  • jQuery, Lodash, TensorFlow.



  • A comprehensive set of tools, rules, and conventions that dictate the overall structure of an application.


  • Developers follow the framework’s conventions and build their code within its structure.


  • Developers have less control as the framework dictates the application’s flow.


  • Django, Ruby on Rails, Angular, Spring.

Key Differences:


  • Libraries offer more control; frameworks provide a higher level of abstraction.


  • Libraries are flexible; frameworks are opinionated and come with specific conventions.

Overall Structure:

  • Libraries focus on specific tasks; frameworks provide a structure for the entire application.

Inversion of Control (IoC):

  • Frameworks often follow Inversion of Control, controlling the flow of the application.

The DOM (Document Object Model) and the Virtual DOM are concepts related to web development, particularly in the context of JavaScript frameworks like React. Let’s explore the differences between the DOM and the Virtual DOM:

DOM (Document Object Model):


  • The DOM is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the structure of a document as a tree of objects, where each object corresponds to a part of the document (e.g., elements, attributes).


  • The DOM is the actual, live representation of the structure of a document that the browser creates and uses internally. It reflects the current state of the HTML document.


  • Developers can manipulate the DOM using JavaScript to dynamically update the content, structure, and style of a web page. DOM manipulation is the process of adding, modifying, or deleting elements within the live DOM.

Performance Implications:

  • Direct manipulation of the DOM can be computationally expensive, especially when dealing with complex web pages and frequent updates.

Virtual DOM:


  • The Virtual DOM is a programming concept used in certain JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React) to improve the efficiency of updating the actual DOM.


  • The Virtual DOM is an in-memory, lightweight copy of the actual DOM. It is a representation of the UI that is kept in memory and synced with the real DOM.


  • When there are changes in the application state, a new virtual DOM is created, which represents the updated UI. This virtual DOM is then compared with the previous virtual DOM (diffing process) to determine the minimal set of changes needed.

Performance Implications:

  • Manipulating the Virtual DOM is faster than directly manipulating the real DOM. The framework can then batch the necessary changes and update the real DOM in an optimized manner, reducing the number of operations needed.

Key Differences:


  • The DOM is the live representation of the document in the browser.
  • The Virtual DOM is an in-memory, lightweight copy of the DOM created by certain frameworks.


  • Developers manipulate the DOM directly using JavaScript.
  • Developers work with the Virtual DOM to optimize updates and reduce direct DOM manipulation.


  • Direct DOM manipulation can be less performant, especially for complex web pages.
  • The Virtual DOM allows for more efficient updates by minimizing the number of actual DOM manipulations.

One-way data binding and two-way data binding are concepts related to how data is synchronized between the user interface (UI) and the underlying application model in web development frameworks. Let’s explore the differences between one-way data binding and two-way data binding:

One-Way Data Binding:


  • One-way data binding is a unidirectional flow of data from the model (application state) to the UI. Changes in the model automatically reflect in the UI, but changes in the UI do not affect the model directly.


  • Data flows only in one direction, from the model to the UI.
  • Model changes trigger updates in the UI automatically.


  • Typically used in scenarios where the UI components need to reflect the current state of the application but do not directly modify the application state.


  • Angular uses one-way data binding by default, where data is bound from the component (model) to the template (UI).

Two-Way Data Binding:


  • Two-way data binding allows for bidirectional data flow between the model and the UI. Changes in the model update the UI, and changes in the UI also update the model automatically.


  • Data flows both from the model to the UI and from the UI to the model.
  • UI changes trigger updates in the model, and vice versa.


  • Commonly used in scenarios where user input in the UI should immediately reflect changes in the application state, and vice versa.


  • Angular provides a mechanism for two-way data binding using the [(ngModel)] syntax. React typically uses one-way data binding but provides controlled components for achieving two-way data binding when needed.

Key Differences:

Flow of Data:

  • One-way data binding has a unidirectional flow of data (model to UI).
  • Two-way data binding has a bidirectional flow of data (model to UI and UI to model).


  • One-way data binding is generally simpler to understand and reason about.
  • Two-way data binding can lead to more complex code and potential side effects if not used carefully.

Use Cases:

  • One-way data binding is suitable when you want a clear separation between the application state and the UI.
  • Two-way data binding is useful for forms and interactive UI components where immediate feedback is desired.


  • Angular supports both one-way and two-way data binding.
  • React primarily uses one-way data binding but allows for controlled components to achieve two-way data binding when needed.

