The Color of My Day

Alice Roberson
4 min readApr 12, 2024
Photo by Lucas K on Unsplash

I was sitting in my boss’s office (yep I’m a 9–5er) daydreaming about my mood. What? Yes I was daydreaming about my mood because I had a picture of what I was feeling and it was not typical.

It was not unusual for me to have moments where I was truly disconnected while listening to her talk about the politics of the day. As a seasoned professional, I was aware of the nature of public service. It can be rewarding yet unfulfilling at times.

On this particular day, I was feeling a bit maroon. Warm and subdued with a hint of maturity. As she talked, my thoughts were driven to errands, care-giving tasks, appointments, church services, bible study, etc. I was just running through the paces, not sprinting, but jogging. It was surreal as I was listening with one half of my brain and planning my life with the other. I was hoping that my audible yes and no’s were properly placed.

As the day progressed, I could feel my color changing. When I arrived home, I sat in the car for a moment. I wanted to soak up the peace before going inside to resume my care-giving tasks. I closed my eyes and could see the bright red. A color which is equated to intense responses of aggression, anger, dominance, and impulsiveness.

Turning the key in the door and recognizing I would have to become the mother to my mother with Alzheimer stirred up a bit of anxiety…



Alice Roberson

Retirement bound caregiver of loved one with dementia. Bucket list: learn to swim-Check, start a business-Check. Renewed sense of purpose-Writer.