Securing Your OSINT Investigations: Maintaining OPSEC for Effective Research

Alisa Gbiorczyk
10 min readOct 8, 2023

What is OPSEC?

OPSEC stands for Operational Security. It is a set of principles and practices used to protect sensitive information and maintain the security of operations. OPSEC is primarily applied in military and intelligence contexts but has also been adopted in other fields, such as corporate security and personal privacy. OPSEC was developed as a systematic approach to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities that could compromise operational security. Since then, OPSEC has evolved and expanded beyond the military domain. It is now recognized as a critical component of overall security strategies and is applied in various fields where protecting sensitive information and mitigating risks are paramount.

The principles of OPSEC include identifying critical information, analyzing threats and vulnerabilities, assessing risks, and implementing countermeasures to safeguard information and operations. OPSEC emphasizes the need to understand potential adversaries, minimize observable indicators, and control the release of sensitive information. Overall, OPSEC is a proactive and comprehensive approach to protect information and operations by reducing vulnerabilities and preventing adversaries from gathering critical intelligence. Maintaining operational security (OPSEC) during open-source intelligence (OSINT) investigations is crucial to protect your identity and ensure the integrity of your investigation. When conducting an OSINT investigation, there are several factors to consider to maintain operational security (OPSEC). These include the tools you use, the sources you access, the research machine you employ, and understanding your adversary. Let’s break down each aspect.


When engaging in OSINT investigations, it is crucial to carefully consider the potential risks associated with the tools you utilize. Each tool you employ carries its own set of implications for your operational security (OPSEC). Some tools, like automated scrapers, can inadvertently attract attention and jeopardize your ability to maintain a low profile if they leave behind conspicuous fingerprints or generate excessive activity. To mitigate such risks, it is vital to operate in a manner that aligns with ordinary user behavior, ensuring that your actions do not arouse suspicion.

To safeguard your OPSEC, it is advisable to select tools from a trusted and tested toolbox. By doing so, you can have confidence in the security and reliability of these tools. It is essential to evaluate the potential risks associated with each tool, ensuring that they do not leak sensitive information or inadvertently communicate with unintended parties. By regularly updating and patching your tools, you can stay ahead of vulnerabilities and protect yourself from potential exploits. When choosing tools, it is prudent to prioritize discretion and maintain a low profile. The goal is to blend in seamlessly with the vast majority of internet users, appearing as a typical online presence. By adopting tools that facilitate this level of anonymity, you can avoid attracting unnecessary attention or raising suspicions. However, it is worth noting that there may be instances where deliberately standing out or employing more overt tools can serve as a tactical approach to communicate to adversaries that you are actively monitoring their activities.

It is crucial to strike a balance between effectiveness and discretion when selecting tools. Evaluating the source code of a tool, if possible, can provide insights into potential security risks it may pose. Analyze whether the tool communicates or reports information to unintended recipients, as this could compromise your OPSEC. By building a trusted toolbox of tools and categorizing them based on their level of “loudness” or visibility, you can tailor your tool selection to suit the specific requirements of each investigation. Maintaining OPSEC during OSINT investigations requires careful consideration of the risks associated with the tools you employ. Choose tools that align with your desired level of visibility and discretion, ensuring they do not leak sensitive information or communicate with unintended parties. Regularly update and patch your tools to protect against vulnerabilities. By taking a thoughtful and proactive approach to tool selection, you can enhance your OPSEC and conduct investigations with greater confidence.


In addition to considering the tools you use, it is equally important to carefully select the sources you rely on during OSINT investigations and assess their level of visibility or “loudness.” Different sources present varying degrees of risk, and it is crucial to weigh these factors to protect your OPSEC effectively. Some sources may pose minimal risk, while others could be owned or closely monitored by your adversaries, potentially exposing your activities. When choosing a source, it is essential to conduct a thorough risk assessment. Consider the potential implications of accessing and interacting with the source. Determine whether the source is likely to raise suspicion or draw attention to your investigation. For instance, a vehicle database may pose a lower risk of exposing your presence compared to a website directly associated with your adversary. Before accessing a source, take preemptive steps to maintain a low profile. Consider altering your language and time zone settings to match those commonly used by the target or the platform you are investigating. This can help you blend in and reduce the chances of standing out as an outsider. By adjusting these settings, you can create a more authentic online presence and minimize the risk of arousing suspicion.

Being mindful of your online presence also involves considering the appropriate hours of activity. If the target operates within a specific time zone, you may want to adjust your online presence accordingly. It may be necessary to set an alarm clock or schedule your activities during the target’s active hours to maintain a more natural and believable online presence. This can help prevent your investigation from appearing suspicious due to unusual activity patterns. To further enhance your OPSEC, it is advisable to use a separate research machine dedicated solely to your investigative activities. By utilizing a distinct machine, you can minimize the risk of cross-contamination between your personal or professional environment and your OSINT operations. This separation helps prevent any potential links or connections that could compromise your anonymity and compromise your OPSEC. Additionally, consider altering the device fingerprints of your research machine to add an extra layer of obfuscation and reduce the risk of being identified. When conducting OSINT investigations, exercise caution in selecting your sources. Assess the level of visibility or “loudness” associated with each source and evaluate the risks accordingly. Take steps to maintain a low profile, such as adjusting language and time zone settings, being mindful of your online presence during appropriate hours, and using a separate research machine with altered device fingerprints. By carefully considering these factors, you can bolster your OPSEC and conduct investigations with increased confidence and security.

Research Machine

When it comes to choosing a research machine for your OSINT investigations, several factors come into play, including your budget and available resources. While having an endless budget to purchase clean, new machines for each research case would be ideal, it is often not the reality. However, even with limited funds, there are steps you can take to enhance the security of your research machine and protect your OPSEC. One aspect of hardening your machine is to physically secure it. Consider covering or removing built-in microphones and webcams, as these components can potentially be exploited by malicious actors to gain unauthorized access or compromise your privacy. By taking these precautions, you reduce the risk of unauthorized audio or video recording, enhancing the overall security of your research activities. In addition to physical hardening, software-based measures can also significantly contribute to the security of your research machine. Install software that effectively blocks the usage of microphones and cameras, preventing unauthorized access to these components. This adds an extra layer of protection and ensures that no malicious actors can exploit these functionalities without your knowledge.

To further safeguard your online activities, consider utilizing proxies or VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) to mask your machine’s IP address and the country from which you are accessing the internet. By doing so, you can obfuscate your online presence and make it more difficult for adversaries to track or identify your actual location. This helps protect your anonymity and adds an additional barrier to potential threats targeting your research activities. Another crucial consideration is the blocking of tracking cookies. These cookies can be used to monitor your online behavior, track your browsing habits, and potentially compromise your OPSEC. Take advantage of browser settings or browser extensions that allow you to block or limit the use of tracking cookies. By doing so, you can maintain a higher level of privacy and reduce the risk of being tracked or targeted based on your online activities. Regularly updating and patching your research machine is also paramount to maintaining its security. Ensure that you promptly apply software updates and security patches to address any known vulnerabilities. Outdated software can become a target for exploitation, potentially compromising your machine’s security and putting your research activities at risk. By staying up to date with updates and patches, you mitigate the likelihood of falling victim to known security vulnerabilities. If budget constraints prevent you from acquiring dedicated research machines, consider utilizing virtual machines (VMs) as a cost-effective alternative. VMs can be used to simulate different devices or operating systems on your existing machine. For example, you can run a virtual smartphone or tablet on your laptop or experiment with various operating systems relevant to your research question. By leveraging VMs, you can expand your research capabilities without the need for separate physical machines, making the most of your available resources. In summary, when selecting a research machine for your OSINT investigations, consider your budget and available resources. Take steps to physically harden your machine, such as covering or removing built-in microphones and webcams. Install software that blocks microphone and camera usage, and employ proxies or VPNs to mask your IP address and enhance your online privacy. Keep your machine updated and patched, and consider using virtual machines as a cost-effective alternative. By implementing these measures, you can enhance the security of your research activities and safeguard your OPSEC, even with limited resources.

Adversary Awareness

Understanding your adversary is a crucial aspect of developing effective countermeasures and maintaining a robust OPSEC strategy. To ensure the security of your research activities, it is essential to conduct thorough investigations and gather information about your adversaries’ capabilities, techniques, and potential threats they pose. By gaining insights into their methods, you can better assess the level of risk involved and determine the appropriate level of “loudness” or visibility to employ during your investigations. Different adversaries require different OPSEC approaches. For example, when investigating an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) or a sophisticated threat actor, it is imperative to implement a higher level of OPSEC compared to researching a teenager involved in online illicit activities. By understanding the nature of the adversary you are dealing with, you can tailor your security measures accordingly and implement the necessary precautions to mitigate potential risks effectively.

In addition to considering your adversary’s OPSEC, it is equally important to evaluate and strengthen your own security measures. Identify the valuable information that you possess or have access to during your research, and assess its level of protection. Determine which aspects of your activities could be targeted or compromised by adversaries and take steps to minimize the risk. One aspect of maintaining OPSEC is minimizing the potential for correlation and identification. Adversaries often employ fingerprinting techniques such as browser fingerprinting or IP tracking to track and monitor individuals’ online activities. To counteract these techniques, it is essential to adjust your online behavior and take measures to blend in with the majority. This can include modifying your language usage, adjusting time zone settings to match your target’s environment, and altering device fingerprinting to avoid standing out.

To enhance your online security and protect your privacy during research, utilize privacy-oriented browser extensions. Tools such as HTTPS Everywhere, Privacy Badger, uBlock Origin, User-Agent-Switcher, and Canvas Defender can provide additional layers of protection by encrypting your connections, blocking tracking mechanisms, preventing unwanted scripts, and obfuscating your browser’s user agent information. These extensions help safeguard your online activities and reduce the risk of being tracked or targeted by malicious actors. Implementing good password hygiene practices is another essential aspect of maintaining OPSEC. Use strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts and regularly update them. Consider employing a password manager to securely store and generate complex passwords. Additionally, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible to add an extra layer of security and protect your accounts from unauthorized access. By incorporating these practices into your OPSEC strategy, you can enhance the security of your research activities and reduce the risk of compromising valuable information. Remember to continuously stay updated on the latest security best practices and adapt your measures as new threats and techniques emerge. OPSEC is an ongoing process that requires vigilance, adaptability, and a proactive approach to protect yourself and your research from potential adversaries.


By following these guidelines, you can maintain better OPSEC during OSINT investigations and mitigate risks to your identity and investigation integrity.

Now let’s discuss some tips that you can combine with the above:

  1. Use a separate and secure environment: Set up a dedicated and secure environment for your OSINT investigations. This can be a virtual machine, a separate device, or a secure operating system. Ensure that this environment is isolated from your personal or regular work activities.
  2. Protect your identity: Use pseudonyms or alternate online identities when engaging in OSINT investigations. Avoid revealing personal information that could be linked back to you. Use virtual private networks (VPNs) and anonymization tools to hide your IP address and location.
  3. Secure your communications: Encrypt your communications using secure messaging apps or encrypted email services. Consider using end-to-end encryption for sensitive conversations. Be cautious about sharing investigation details or sensitive information through regular channels.
  4. Be mindful of metadata: Be aware of the metadata associated with the content you collect during your OSINT investigations. Metadata can reveal valuable information, such as geolocation or device details. Strip or modify metadata before sharing or publishing any content to protect your identity and the identity of others involved.
  5. Be cautious with online accounts: Create separate accounts for your OSINT investigations, ensuring they are not linked to your personal or professional accounts. Use strong and unique passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and regularly monitor your accounts for any signs of compromise.
  6. Use anonymous search engines: Utilize privacy-focused search engines or use search engine features that don’t store search history or collect personal data. This helps prevent your search queries from being tracked or connected to your identity.
  7. Avoid social media profiling: When conducting OSINT investigations on social media platforms, avoid engaging with the target directly or publicly. Interacting directly can raise suspicions and potentially compromise your investigation. Take screenshots or save relevant content instead of liking, sharing, or commenting on posts.
  8. Consider the physical environment: If conducting OSINT investigations in a public space, be mindful of people around you. Ensure that sensitive information is not visible on your screen, and be cautious of potential eavesdropping. Consider using privacy screens or working in a secure location when dealing with sensitive information.
  9. Stay up to date: Regularly stay informed about the latest privacy and security practices, tools, and techniques. The landscape of OSINT and OPSEC is continuously evolving, so it’s essential to adapt your methods accordingly.
  10. Legal and ethical considerations: Ensure that your OSINT investigations comply with applicable laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines. Respect the privacy and rights of individuals and organizations involved in your investigations.

