Using QR Codes on Business Cards

5 min readMar 1, 2022


Business cards have been around for some time. In the realm of business cards, not much has changed in the beyond 50 years. That is until utilizing QR codes on business cards turned into the new and simple method for passing on your data.

Probably the best thing about utilizing QR codes on your business card is that you can fit such a lot of information into the QR code (3Kb to be definite). This implies you won’t be restricted by the actual space on your business card to give data.

Along these lines, prior to making your business cards, let’s investigate what QR codes are and the way that you can utilize them for your potential benefit.

What is a QR Code?

A QR (Quick Response) code is another variant of the normal standardized identification that you see at your nearby supermarket. The exceptional thing about QR codes is that they are acknowledged outside of supermarkets and anybody can make their own code by utilizing a device.

They can stockpile to 3Kb of data, which means north of 4000 characters, which is essentially a little article. Albeit the vast majority use QR codes for web hyperlinks, there are piles of employment for them. For instance, vehicle makers stamp QR codes on all of the different vehicle parts to handily distinguish them on creation lines.

You can utilize QR codes to divert individuals to your site, show your vCard (contact data) or even acknowledge digital money installments. Since there are such countless uses for QR codes, they have an alluring use case for business cards.

Why Use a QR Code on Your Business Card?

QR codes give a scaffold between printed media and the computerized world. They do this by giving a fast method for review and open connections to sites (and different things) that would somehow have consumed a large chunk of the day to type in physically. For this reason, they’re an ideal counterpart for business cards.

Rather than working out your site or email address on your business card, you could essentially utilize a QR code for it. Even better, you could supply all of your contact data in a vCard design which is noticeable when the QR code is checked. Like that, the individual who filters your QR code gets all of your contact data right away and doesn’t have to keep your business card on the off chance that they would rather not.

Envision attempting to squeeze all of your contact data into a 3.5 x 2-inch business card while making it look overall quite snappy. Not a simple accomplishment, right? In spite of the fact that QR codes can once in a while glance a piece awkward on a business card, more often than not, they will really save you space and could assist with giving your card the moderate look.

Advantages of Using QR Codes on Business Cards

QR Code Scans Can Be Tracked (Sometimes)

The issue with conventional printed media is that it’s truly challenging (and here and there difficult) to follow its viability. Be that as it may, following QR checks is conceivable, essentially while opening connects to sites.

For instance, say you have a custom QR code that connects to your site. Rather than simply utilizing the typical connection, you could affix UTM following boundaries onto the connection which implies you can follow (in Google Analytics) how often the QR code is filtered and the connection is opened.

This is a gigantic advantage contrasted with basically giving over your business card with a printed site address on it.

Space Saving

They could look revolting, however, it’s irrefutable that they save a great deal of room. It’s not difficult to overdo it while adding contact data to your business card and have it make a huge deal about and look amateurish. Assuming you have a great deal of contact data, creating a QR code that shows your vCard is really simple while utilizing one of the numerous QR code instruments.

A vCard is essentially a computerized business card that has generally your contact data on it. Numerous advanced applications like Outlook, Gmail, and most cell phones use cards to store contact data. For instance, assuming that you check a vCard QR code with an iPhone, it will consequently make a contact on your telephone with all the data from the vCard on it.

Simple to Use

Assuming that you’ve never examined a QR code, proceed to check one today and you’ll know what I mean when I say it’s truly simple. Most telephones have in-assembled applications that will check a QR code.

The interaction couldn’t be less difficult. You filter the code, and it naturally takes you to the site utilizing your program, and that is it. Assuming you’re utilizing a vCard, it essentially opens the vCard on your telephone so you can store all the contact data.

Shows That You’re Techy

Nobody enjoys a Grinch that levels out will not utilize innovation and shouts that innovation is Satan’s work. Innovation is moving at a particularly fast speed, that many individuals battle to keep up. In any case, this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t attempt.

Utilizing a QR code on business card shows individuals that you’re fully informed regarding innovation and know the advantages of the QR code. It additionally shows that you think outside the square and need to use your business card to its maximum capacity.

Has a Mysterious Element to It

Have you at any point seen a QR code someplace with no obvious reason concerning what it’s for? I have, and it truly harms not knowing. All in all, what do I do when this occurs? Filter it, obviously.

A QR code is like a well-wrapped Christmas present. You take a gander at the present and quickly need to know what’s inside it. Be that as it may, you can’t know until you open it. The equivalent occurs with QR codes. You see it, yet you don’t have the foggiest idea of what it is until you examine it.

Interest is a strong inspiration to get things done.

Wrap Up

Regardless of whether you think QR codes on business cards are a positive or negative thought, the truth of the matter is, they are super-proficient and simple to utilize. This makes them an appealing choice for use on business cards, which have an exceptionally restricted measure of room for contact data.

By and large, I think QR codes are an astounding innovation that will just get more well-known over the long haul.

