Alise Leslie
2 min readApr 8, 2017

Oh, hi poetry.

I wrote a poem that doesn’t quite fit in with the theme of my blog, In My Mental Mind, so here we are. I have started delving back into my poetry roots after venturing away from my first love. I have found myself happening upon little pieces of long abandoned poems and finishing them with little or no effort. Things I have no recollection of ever writing. It’s almost as if my former self is sitting around doing writing prompts for me. A writer’s trail of breadcrumbs leading me back home. Sigh, I miss you poetry. Pleasure to reconnect.

Wait, maybe this does fit in with the theme of my blog, but for now, Medium can get this work! Enjoy.


i believe in love


i’m pretty sure i hate everything

and i’m almost convinced


everything hates me

call me a cynic

but that’s not my name

yeah, i probably do hate everything

but i survive

on love

this makes sense

on some planet

where i fit in without changing

where my square pegness

fits into a divine round (w)holeness

where even my pessimism is hopeful

and imagination is my reality

where nothing makes sense

but everything does

and i can hate everything

and love you.

yes, this makes sense.