How To Set-Up Beautiful Garden: 8 Gardening Tips For Beginners

Alisha Hareem
5 min readJul 29, 2020


Beautiful garden, result of your hard work and dedication.
Photo by Victor Malyushev on Unsplash

Gardening is an incredibly rewarding hobby anyone has in their lifetime.

Gardening can not only help to make you a happier person but it also provides many physical and mental benefits. For young adults, it will work as a relaxant therapy to cope-up many stresses like future anxiety, income, studies, and so on. For older age group gardening will be their best leisure activity and a happy place.

If you are an absolute beginner and thinking to start your garden then I have got you covered because in this guide I will give you some amazing pro tips and advice that will help you to make your dream garden come true.


First things first, Now having a gardening plan in your mind is just not enough. Now you have to decide WHAT YOU WANT IN YOUR GARDEN?

Whether you wanted to enjoy juicy and delicious food with your fresh veggies or are you willing to decorate your backyard with charming and blooming flowers?

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So, If you are looking to set up a vegetable garden then you must know what is the right time to plant and If you wanted to decorate your backyard with flower garden then you must consider a mix of annuals and perennials.

Annual Plants :

Annuals are the type of plants that grow only for one season. Their ultimate goal is to produce maximum flowers until the cold weather arrives.

Therefore, if you want to decorate your garden with colorful and charming flowers within a year, then you must plant annuals!

They are further characterized into Summer annuals and winter annuals.

Here, I wanted to give you some examples of popular annuals:

Perennials Plants :

Perennials are the type of plants that lives for many years, you just need to plant them once. They required less effort and an increase in size every year. So, can be easily transferred to other spots in the garden.

Some of the most popular perennials are:
Blanket flowers


Not all plants grow in all areas. There are a few things you need to keep in mind when start gardening. USDA Hardiness Zone provides better information by dividing North America into 11 separate planting zones. You just need to enter your zip code. This will help you to figure out what plant will grow best in your region.

Start With Easy Plants :

A general rule of thumb is to start with easy plants. You want to fill your garden with numerous veggies and beautiful flowers but at a start, you don’t want to mess up all things and end up being disappointed.

Here is a list of some plants which need not more than 3 months to grow :


“Healthy garden soil leads to healthy plants and healthy plants lead to a healthy human”!

Experts say that one should start preparing the soil 2–4 months before they start planting. As working on the soil is the key step, whether you are planting a flower or a vegetable garden. It mainly includes the following steps :

  • EVEN OUT THE SURFACE: Before dig into it clean the surface and get all the unwanted clay and stone out of your soil.
  • AERATE THE SOIL: This is to make sure that your soil gets proper air and water deep down to their roots so plants develop strong and healthy roots.
  • ADD COMPOST: By adding organic things such as animal manures, green manures (cover crops). It will enhance the quality of your soil.
  • PH LEVEL: Maintaining PH according to the plant’s need is another very important thing. Many plants need an acidic environment to grow and many require alkali medium.
  • TEST THE SOIL: It is very important to test the soil before planting. There are many different methods you can test your soil by yourself or you can simply head to your nearest laboratory.

Use Fertilizers :

Fertilizers are widely used to enhance the optimum growth of a plant. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen present in our Air are the basic fertilizers our nature provides us. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium are the main macro-nutrients needed for plant growth. When you see NPK on a fertilizer packaging that’s what those letters mean. Regardless of its many benefits, you need to maintain a good check and balance. Excessive chemicals will harm plant growth.

Water At Right Time :

Taking care and watering a plant is a full-time job. Make sure to keep your eye on your happy place (garden). Keep this in mind that smaller plants need more attention and frequent watering than larger plants. Additionally, plants that get more sunlight also need to be watered more frequently. The right time for the watering plant is EARLY MORNING or in EVENING time. In the day time, the evaporation rate will be higher and plants do not get a sufficient amount of water. Climate also plays a significant role in this regard.

Be Patient :


Gardening is an ongoing process.

When starting a garden you must not forget to have patience, lots, and lots of patience.

It will not happen over a night or a day, it takes time for a seed to sprout and the same goes for a plant or a tree. It requires your proper care and attention.

Maintain Your Garden :

Congratulations! After following all above mentioned steps you have successfully transformed your backyard into a garden.

Now you need to know about some basics of garden maintenance.

1: Water your newly planted seed up to 2 inches regularly. Take extra care of your garden during rainy days.

2: Check your soil properly because it is the foundation of your garden and change it every month if it is necessary.

3: Add mulch in it, as it enhances the quality of your soil.

4: Collect decomposes leaves for mulching.

5: Useless toxic pesticides.

Taking these will help you to maintain your garden and give a little boost to your self-esteem and surely your heart will thank you for a well-maintained garden.


Gardening is a perfect time for you to spend outdoor, inhaling fresh air, in the sunshine.

And all this pleasure will boost your mental health through physical activity and will help to overcome anxiety and depression.

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Alisha Hareem

Alisha is a passionate freelance content writer and a pet enthusiast from Pakistan.