The Birth Control Pill: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Want You To Know

Alisha Nagi
5 min readJul 13, 2022

Let’s take back the right to make our own health decisions.

Photo by Anna Shvets:

Ah the birth control pill. We all know it, many of us women use it! Reasons to use the birth control pill range from a form of contraception to period regulation, to hormonal regulation, to acne and more. The pill contains hormones that will reduce the chance of pregnancy up to 99%.

Other than reasons for contraception, many women take the pill for health reasons which include but are not limited to:

  • to regulate or lighten their periods
  • to prevent anemia
  • to lessen period cramps
  • to manage premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD)
  • to aid polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • to aid endometriosis
  • to improve acne
  • to reduce migraines

Alright so what’s the problem? What’s wrong with taking the pill for these reasons? Short answer, nothing. But taking the pill for long periods of time can in fact lead to worsened symptoms post-pill, did you know that? Let’s talk about it. Here are some facts about taking the birth control pill that your doctor might not have told you:



Alisha Nagi

B.S.c in Human Behaviour. Currently healing a complex illness and sharing my story. Health + Wellness and Psychology Topics