How To Gain Real And Active SoundCloud Followers?

Alexander Alison
4 min readMar 28, 2018


Aside from YouTube, SoundCloud has also helped thousands of aspiring artists to push their music to their target audience around the globe. If you are a musician, a singer, or simply a music enthusiast who wants to share your music with the world, SoundCloud is one of the most effective platforms to start with. Being the world’s pioneering social media platform for sound, you can create your own music to share or even listen to other aspiring and yet to be known artists.

SoundCloud in a Grasp

Facebook is to share personal stories as Instagram is to share photos, then SoundCloud is to sharing unique music. SoundCloud’s platform easily lets anyone be a creator of music himself by its easy recording and uploading of sounds. Your music can be shared with specific people only or to the world. SoundCloud easily connects with other social media platforms and blogs. It also allows interaction between and among music creators and listeners. Just like Instagram, creators on SoundCloud can have many engagements and hits through boosting their base of listeners or followers.

However, if it is your dream to be recognized as a music artist through SoundCloud, merely having followers is not enough. You must gain real and active SoundCloud followers.

Real and Active Followers, How to Get Them?

Being able to attract followers on SoundCloud who are really interested in your kind of music takes a lot of hard work and a little push. Read the tips below to gain your real and active SoundCloud followers soon!

  • Organize your SoundCloud account

In your excitement to share your songs and sounds everywhere, you might forget to even properly create your SoundCloud account. When we say organizing your account, it does not just mean simply signing up on SoundCloud and record and upload your music instantly. You have to visualize your purpose why you wanted to be heard. You have to visualize how you wanted your listeners to hear you.

In organizing your SoundCloud account, it is smart to consider the following:

  • Unique username
  • Your genre or music type
  • How often you will share music
  • Introduce yourself to the world

Say something about yourself. Create a unique statement on your SoundCloud profile that will be easy to remember for anyone. Remember that you will not just attract listeners, you want them to be your followers.

One of the things that will make listeners come back again and again to your SoundCloud account is because they can relate to you. Connect with your audience not just with the songs and sounds you upload but also through making a memorable introductory statement about who you are and why share those sounds.

  • Use hashtags

Hashtags will work you wonders! Take advantage of being found online by using appropriate hashtags to describe your uploaded songs or files. If you can ride with trending new songs using trendy hashtags of local music artists, you might just be recognized for your music!

  • Tell stories through your music

People love stories. Try to capture the listeners’ emotion by briefly describing your uploaded sound or music through stories. Tell them why you love that song. Tell them stories of how a certain melody affects you or someone special to you. Or maybe, you can invite your listener to share a related story with the music you just shared. What emotions or memories were brought back because of your music?

  • Create playlists

Make it easier for your listeners to feel a quick grasp of what type of music you are sharing by creating playlists for them. Create a well-thought list of songs that will do best when created as a playlist. Will it be easy listening? Will it be all about the spoken poetry of the broken hearts? Is it a playlist dedicated to old-school rock? Whatever it is, create a fun way for your followers to hear new music from you.

  • Interact

Connect with other people and influencers on SoundCloud. Do not be just a random follower or creator yourself but actually engage with your listeners. Leave witty comments on other creators’ works. Respond to your followers’ comments on your songs. Reply enthusiastically and let them know their thoughts are appreciated.

If you wanted to grow your base of real and active SoundCloud followers, you may also consider joining SoundCloud groups. For a start, join groups that are related to your music or sound type. Are you into spoken poetry? Join a group related to it. Are you into classical music? There is a group for that, certainly.

When you join any SoundCloud group, make sure to interact well. Do not just join for the sake of enlarging your network of followers. You would want real and active followers on SoundCloud, so you must also be real and active when interacting with co-creators and fellow enthusiasts.

  • Connect with bloggers

Try to connect with bloggers who write about the same type of your uploaded music on SoundCloud. Not only will you give them an easy chance to get a unique content for their websites or blogs, but you will also get the high chance of exposure to entirely new listeners. Remember that these bloggers already have a network of readers and website visitors already. Grab the chance to get interested listeners to be your SoundCloud followers by doing this tip.

Just don’t forget to submit clean pieces of your music files on SoundCloud. You do not want to mess up when new listeners hear your sound.

So, there you go — some tips on how to gain real and active SoundCloudfollowers. One last word of advice — Enjoy your craft. Your enthusiasm and passion for your chosen music or sound type will definitely be contagious to those interested ears. Sooner, they will be your SoundCloud followers too!

