All The Things About My Impostor Syndrome

1 min readMar 1, 2016


It’s been a long journey to get to this point, but I’ve taken some big leaps and bounds very recently in exploring a new way of capturing amazing nuggets of inspiration, wisdom and joy. And as terrifying as this is to put my literal voice, my bizarre accent, and my amateur recording and editing skills out there early — that’s the point right? In Lean In, then Lean the Fuck Out I preached about iterating and trying things to learn.

Well shit. I had to take my own advice.

This is sprint zero.

And it’s a messy, transparent, multi-faceted revelation about my own impostor syndrome woes, and how fears can hold us back from doing amazing things. All the things.

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Empathetic warrior beating a new path through life as a UX Designer, passionate Feminist and beautifully flawed human.