Character Spotlight: Hermione Granger

Alissa Phillips
2 min readMar 29, 2019


Hermione Granger, the female protagonist of the Harry Potter series deserves some serious attention. Aside from her role as the ever-constant best friend of Harry Potter, Hermione is also extremely intelligent and serves as one of the most important members of the Battle of Hogwarts. Here are 5 reasons why Hermione Granger deserves all the credit (or at least most of it).

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If it wasn’t for Hermione’s careful planning, they wouldn’t have made it out of the Burrow safely.

Hermione spends days planning and packing for her expedition out of the Burrow with Ron and Harry. She’s packed clothes (muggle and wizard), supplies, some food, books, and much more in a tiny beaded purse that she intelligently wears to the wedding of Bill and Fleur. When the Ministry of Magic falls and the security around the Burrow subsequently fails, Hermione is able to grab on to both Ron and Harry and escape the Death Eaters (followers of Voldemort) who have invaded the celebration.

Harry and Ron would have died in their first year of Hogwarts without her

While both Harry and Ron were trapped in Devil’s Snare, a vicious plant trap set up by Herbology teacher Professor Sprout, Hermione saves them using her blue fire she’s been conjuring all year long.

Hermione’s quick thinking has gotten them out of binds

After Harry’s attempt to talk to Sirius in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is thwarted by Dolores Umbridge, Hermione confidently marches Umbridge into the Forbidden Forest in an attempt to escape from her capture. Fortunately, Hermione’s plan works and she and Harry are able to get back to Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Luna.

Her support of Harry never wavers

Harry, thrust in the public spotlight repeatedly throughout his time at Hogwarts, is frequently the subject of attack by others. Each and every time Harry is targeted by others, whether it be fellow classmates or the Ministry of Magic, Hermione stands by him and always trusts Harry, something not even Ron can say.

Her respect for house-elves goes unmatched by any other witch or wizard (except perhaps Dumbledore)

Hermione’s blatant disgust at the mistreatment of house-elves is unmatched by nearly everybody in the wizarding world, even Harry. While some, like Harry, do not agree with the treatment of some house-elves by their wizard masters, nobody has tried to change anything about it. Hermione, on the other hand, creates S.P.E.W. (not SPEW) or the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare and attempts to secure wages and better working conditions.

Without Hermione, the outcome of the Battle of Hogwarts and the fate of the larger wizarding world might have ended differently. Nevertheless, this muggle-born witch and best friend of Harry Potter deserves every bit of credit she gets, and maybe even a little more.



Alissa Phillips

Senior mass communication and public relations student @ionacollege. Puppy raiser for Guiding Eyes for the Blind and professional dog lover.