Semester in Review

Alissa Phillips
2 min readMay 3, 2019


Taking Media Writing at Westchester Community College online was an interesting experience. The course requirements were rigorous and the expectations high. Whenever I felt like I was finally catching up on one module’s work, the next would be posted with even more than the previous week. Additional assignments were added throughout the course of the class on a weekly basis (like the Twitter assignments, blog assignments, etc.)

One challenge I faced was understanding what was expected of me. Sometimes the instructions were not immediately clear to me, nor when an assignment was due which left me confused about how much I should be doing. Was I doing too much? Too little? Just enough? I often wasn’t sure.

One additional challenge I faced was that I’m a student at another college. Naturally, I was more aware of the classes that met in person. The instructor in these types of classes is able to use body language and tone of voice to emphasize the importance of certain assignments over others. In this online course, the importance of assignments were emphasized by written language.

Further, this class was beneficial in teaching many forms of media writing. As a mass communication student I was aware of how complicated writing something as simple as a tweet could be. This class, however, used a text that described these different forms of writing very nicely and provided excellent examples.

Overall, this class was a beneficial part of my academic career. Its online nature was helpful during my very busy semester. After my upcoming graduation, I hope to take the summer off and begin looking for jobs.



Alissa Phillips

Senior mass communication and public relations student @ionacollege. Puppy raiser for Guiding Eyes for the Blind and professional dog lover.