Demystifying Closures, Futures and async-await in Rust–Part 1: Closures

Alistair Israel
The Startup
Published in
6 min readMay 10, 2020

The release of async-await in Rust 1.39.0 in November 2019 gave it added traction as a modern systems programming language and made it easier to write highly-concurrent services with it.

Now to fully understand and appreciate how async-await came to be, how to use it, and in particular, how to migrate ‘legacy’ code that used Futures to async-await, I felt that I had to take a step back all the way to closures and work my way forward from there.

This series of articles and the accompanying source code at chronicles just that.

Hello, Rust

Let’s start with a brand new Rust project:

$ cargo new closures-futures-async
Created binary (application) `closures-futures-async` package

Now, in, let’s go ahead and write our first closure:

let add = |x, y| x + y;

(Since it’s a simple expression, the Rust auto-formatter will format it as a single-line anyway even if we had used a {...} block.)

The above produces a closure, or “an anonymous type that cannot be written out, approximately equivalent to a struct that contains all the capture variables”.

To evaluate that closure, we can, in fact, call it like a regular function:

let result = add(1, 2);
println!("{}", result);

If we cargo run now, we should get 3 as expected.

If closures can be called like regular functions, why don’t we just use regular functions?

For one, we can pass closures as parameters and return closures to and from functions.

Let’s try to receive (and evaluate) our closure:

fn receives_closure(closure: ?) -> ?

But what should our closure type and function return type be? Recall that closures are synthesized structs whose type cannot be written out. We can see this by changing the lIne let add = |x, y| ... to let () = |x, y| ... and then trying to compile our program:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
2 | let () = |x, y| x + y;
| ^^ ------------ the expected closure
| |
| expected closure, found `()`
= note: expected closure `[closure@src/ 2:26]`
found unit type `()`

To be able to pass around closures, we need to use one of the FnOnce, FnMut, or Fn traits (see this Stack Overflow answer or read Why Rust Closures are (Somewhat) Hard for more details).

Additionally, we can’t just use, for example,Fn directly as a parameter type, as follows:

fn receives_closure(closure: Fn(i32) -> i32) {}

If we try that, we’ll get

error[E0277]: the size for values of type `(dyn std::ops::Fn(i32) -> i32 + 'static)` cannot be known at compilation time
--> src/

Now if you’ve done any Rust before you might be familiar with this error, and might be tempted to just Box<dyn ... that trait:

fn receives_closure(closure: Box<dyn Fn(i32) -> i32>) {}

But if you try to call it now with our closure earlier:

let add = |x, y| x + y;

We promptly get:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
4 | let add = |x, y| x + y;
| ------------ the found closure
5 | receives_closure(add);
| ^^^ expected struct `std::boxed::Box`, found closure
= note: expected struct `std::boxed::Box<(dyn std::ops::Fn(i32) -> i32 + 'static)>`
found closure `[closure@src/ 4:27]`

After much trial and error on my part, and without going in-depth as to the explanation, the elegant solution is to use generics so the Rust compiler is free to perform type inference at compile time:

fn receives_closure<F>(closure: F)
F: Fn(i32, i32) -> i32,
let result = closure(1, 2);
println!("closure(1, 2) => {}", result);
fn main() {
let add = |x, y| x + y;

Running this outputs 3 again, as expected.

(Edit: Another reader pointed out that we could accept a Box<dyn Future> but then if we dd, we’d have to call it using receives_closure(Box::new(add)) which I felt passed on more work to the function caller, esp. when we try to do something similar with futures. See this Rust playground link for a comparison.)

But Rust also has function pointers, so again, why do we need closures?

Let’s rewrite receives_closure() to take a closure that only accepts one parameter:

fn receives_closure<F>(closure: F)
F: Fn(i32) -> i32,
let result = closure(1);
println!("closure(1) => {}", result);
fn main() {
let add = |x| x + 2;

So far so good. But now let’s move out 2 from the closure into the surrounding scope (our main() function):

let y = 2;
let add = |x| x + y;

This still works! We say that the variable y has been ‘captured’ by the add closure. Even though receives_closure has no knowledge of y it is able to evaluate the closure correctly.

This would only be possible using fn pointers by us creating structs (to capture the surrounding scope’s ‘state’) and passing those around — but this is exactly what the Rust compiler does for us when we use closures!

To demonstrate this, let’s create nested blocks with different values. Also, this time, we won’t even declare our closure variables, but just pass them in directly:

let y = 2;
receives_closure(|x| x + y);
let y = 3;
receives_closure(|x| x + y);

The output, as expected, is 3 and 4.

Returning Closures

Not only can we receive closures, we can return them from functions as well.

fn returns_closure() -> impl Fn(i32) -> i32 {
|x| x + 4

We can call it directly

let closure = returns_closure();
println!("closure(1) => {}", closure(1));

Or since it returns the same type that receives_closure() expects, we can just pass it to that as well!

let closure = returns_closure();

Either way prints 5 as expected.

Rice and Curry

Armed with the above, let us now try to implement a function that will curry a closure.

That is, we want a function that will take a closure that accepts two parameters of type T, and a value also of type T, and returns a closure that only accepts a single T.

Symbolically, when given f(x, y), we want curry(f, a) to return a g(y) where g(y) => f(a, y).

First, our function signature

fn curry<F>(f: F, x: i32) -> impl Fn(i32) -> i32
F: Fn(i32, i32) -> i32,

Now, if we try to write our function as

|y| f(x, y)

We will promptly run into several errors. However, at least in this case the Rust compiler helpfully points us to the solution:

error[E0373]: closure may outlive the current function, but it borrows `f`, which is owned by the current function
--> src/
17 | |y| f(x, y)
| ^^^ - `f` is borrowed here
| |
| may outlive borrowed value `f`
note: closure is returned here
--> src/
13 | fn curry<F>(f: F, x: i32) -> impl Fn(i32) -> i32
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: to force the closure to take ownership of `f` (and any other referenced variables), use the `move` keyword

That is, we need to move our captured variables into the closure we’re returning. The complete function thus reads

fn curry<F>(f: F, x: i32) -> impl Fn(i32) -> i32
F: Fn(i32, i32) -> i32,
move |y| f(x, y)

And used as such

let add = |x, y| x + y;
let closure = curry(add, 5);
println!("closure(1) => {}", closure(1));

Produces 6 as expected.

Generic Curry

Let’s take it step further now and try to turn curry fully generic! If we simply try to add the generic type arguments to the function:

fn generic_curry<F, X, Y, Z>(f: F, x: X) -> impl Fn(Y) -> Z
F: Fn(X, Y) -> Z,

We run into a new error:

error[E0507]: cannot move out of `x`, a captured variable in an `Fn` closure
--> src/
20 | fn generic_curry<F, X, Y, Z>(f: F, x: X) -> impl Fn(Y) -> Z
| - captured outer variable
24 | move |y| f(x, y)
| ^ move occurs because `x` has type `X`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

Fortunately, the solution this time is pointed out as well. We need to tell the compiler that the X type argument needs to implement the Copy trait by using type bounds:

F: Fn(X, Y) -> Z,
X: Copy

Now the following works and produces 7 as expected.

let two = 2;
let add = |x, y| x + y + two;
let closure = generic_curry(add, 4);

Furthermore, to demonstrate that our generic_curry function is indeed generic, let’s try it with a closure that concatenates two strings:

let concat = |s, t: &str| format!("{}{}", s, t);
let closure = generic_curry(concat, "Hello, ");
let result = closure("world!");
println!("{}", result);

That outputs Hello, world! as expected.

You can view the accompanying source code up on GitHub:

In Part 2: Futures, we see how a good understanding of closures is helpful in making sense of Futures…



Alistair Israel
The Startup

Tall, dark, and bald. Driver, cook, and Staff engineer.