How to Flip the Houses for Making Money?

Alister Toma Vancouver
3 min readJan 30, 2019


Flip houses for making money

According to many real estate developers including, Alister Toma, the real estate industry is a rapidly growing market with great potential for profit. Who doesn’t want to earn extra income? Of course, everyone! So why not flip the house and make money?

Now the question is how one can flip a house to make money? No worries, here are some of the successful strategies you can try.

1. Never Stop Learning

Almost every leader believes in continuous learning and it is applicable in every industry including, real estate. Therefore, it is advisable for you to never stop learning about housing flipping and always keep yourself updated with new profitable strategies that benefit you.

You should know about house flipping fundamentals and do not forget to learn at least 70% of the rules. Also, you should read about after repair value, etc.

When it comes to housing costs or how to buy a house, you have to remain up to date in order to avoid losing money.

According to experts, it is necessary to understand how house flipping requires you to spend money with the motive to make more money, otherwise, you may lose the game!

2. Home Improvements

If you want to earn a profit in real estate, you need to update yourself with the latest statistics, especially when the question is- which home improvements are best for the investment.

Needless to say, your main aim is to minimize the expense of repairs in order to increase your revenue. Therefore, you must know which home improvements increase a home’s value.

In case you focus on the wrong improvements or lose your way in other things, you may lose out on that revenue.

So make sure you do not waste your time and resources on insignificant details. Repair the important parts of the house if necessary and the rest leave to future owners.

3. Network Left Right and Center!

If you think you can do house flipping alone, you might be wrong. To succeed, you will need to increase your network and find the best people to work with. It includes a team of reliable contractors, as they will fix up your repairs and save a lot of time. Otherwise, if you will try to fix all by yourself, it might take years. And you will lose valuable time that you can use to make more money!

Connecting with other house flippers can be a good thing as well. Healthy competition and building a healthy relationship at a professional front will help lead you in this business.

4. Target The Right Market

Here, you must know who your target market is. Because it will help you to understand how you should get your house to fix to fetch your target market.

Suppose your target buyers are young couples or families, you should give the property a modern look and avoid a traditional setup.

This is something you need to consider, as it can make or break a deal. Although not all buyers really care, few will walk away if they don’t get a vibe from the house that vibrates with their wants and needs.

Final Words

So, these are the ways you can try to flip a house and make a profit with it. If you are a new house flipper, you can connect with mentors like Alister Toma and can create a win-win situation.

Tags: Alister Toma, flip houses, flip the house and make money, home improvements, house flipping, house flipping fundamentals, real estate

Originally published at on January 30, 2019.



Alister Toma Vancouver

Alister Toma has built a formidable base of skills along the way, taking on new and challenging projects with vigour and passion.