Terminator 2 : Judgement Day- The Best Women Empowerment Movie of all Times

Ali Tariq Mian
3 min readMar 8, 2023


‘Yeah, right. How are you supposed to know? F***ing men like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you’re so creative. You don’t know what it’s like to really create something; to create a life; to feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death and destruction.’

I hate to sound like an old man but I asked today a bunch of my colleagues, Gen Z of course ‘What is best movie that posses the themes of women empowerment and no one answered, ‘Terminator 2’.

Ah, Terminator 2. The classic action movie that’s not just for men anymore. No, no, no — this is a movie that empowers women. Move over, Charlie’ Angels, Terminator 2 is the new standard for women’s cinema.

But really, let’s be honest — Terminator 2 is the Die Hard of women empowerment movies. Just like Die Hard is the best Christmas movie ever made (don’t even try to argue with me on this),

Terminator 2 is the best movie for women who want to feel like total badasses.

First of all, we’ve got Sarah Connor, played by Linda Hamilton. She’s not your typical damsel in distress.

She’s a total badass who’s been preparing for the Terminator’s return for years.

When she learned he is not the villain anymore; she quickly made him her ally. She can forgive and focus on the problem at hand.

She knows when to follow and when to take command. She’s got guns, muscles, and a plan. She can save her kid by herself.

And then there’s the T-800, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. He’s like the Terminator version of a feminist ally (just kidding).

Who knew that the ultimate symbol of masculinity could be so empowering for women?

But what really sets Terminator 2 apart is how it subverts expectations. It’s not the men who are doing all the fighting and saving the day — it’s not even men vs women.

It is men and women vs the villain (the analogy only works if you consider terminator a man).

So yes, Terminator 2 is a classic movie for women empowerment. It shows that women can be tough, capable, and heroic — not like men. She is a badass in her own way.

And if you don’t agree with me, then I suggest you watch it again — and look out for the scene where Sarah Connors explains motherhood to her colleagues. May be it’s the best Mother’s day movie as well but that’s the topic for another day.



Ali Tariq Mian

Hello there, I'm Ali - a man who's passionate about people and cinema. When the lights go down, you'll find me immersed in the world of movies.