Finally! A casino ICO that isn’t a gamble

Alive Casino
4 min readJun 30, 2018


People buy tokens for a lot of reasons. For some, ICO token purchase is a hobby, for others, it’s a way of life. Certain crypto traders are clever, diversifying their portfolios with tokens from all types of blockchain projects. Others are just playing a game — speculation.

Whatever type of token investor you are, you want your token purchase to make you some money. Lots of tokens are useful, giving you access to great benefits on some awesome platforms. Others — security tokens — are profitable, and if you own enough of them you can partake in the profit and collect dividends worth millions. Even utility tokens, of course, can gain value, and eventually you can sell the token for more.

By now you’ve probably invested in all types of blockchain businesses — fintech, entertainment, and data sharing projects galore — but have you ever invested in a casino ICO?

Well, if you’re like most crypto investors, the answer is probably no. Casino ICOs get a bad rap. For some reason, many investors think there’s something that just doesn’t seem “right.” Casinos are notoriously opaque and unaccountable, some might say.

Enter the Alive Casino

The Alive Casino aims to change the way you view casino ICOs, and online gambling in general. The world’s first blockchain-powered VR casino that also integrates traditional online games, Alive finally brings transparency and accountability to the online casino world.

The key to Alive’s openness lies in its integration of the blockchain, effective implementation of social media, and — perhaps most importantly — its decentralized business structure. The casinos development will initially be funded through the sale of a security token — the Alive token — to be distributed during an upcoming ICO.

Here are just a few reasons why the Alive token is the ICO token you should purchase in 2018.

The Alive Token

A token you can use: Among the Alive token’s key functions is, of course, payment. During the early stages of the platform’s operations, Alive token holders will be able to deposit tokens, along with other cryptocurrencies and fiat, in order to begin playing. Later, the tokens will be useful to access exclusive token holder only features, such as early-release games and special events.

Profit profit profit! Among the tokens currently out there on the market, the Alive (AL) token may just be the most profitable. In fact, every three months, 40% of Alive Casino profits will be distributed to token holders who have their tokens located in the Alive’s Hold Wallet.

Since the Alive Casino will accept payments in several cryptocurrencies, profit distributions will be carried out in each of those currencies, in a proportionate manner. BTC, ETH, USDT and AL token will be distributed quarterly to Token Holders.

A high demand asset: The Alive token will always have high demand on exchanges. And this is for a few reasons other than its utility. As a rule, every three months, Alive’s in-house token engineers will burn 5% of all AL tokens the house earns each quarter, reducing the token supply.

Additionally, the Alive Casino intends to employ a cryptocurrency market analyst, who will observe the market and create strategies to convert AL token profits into fiat, paying attention to ensure that the value of the token is not negatively affected.

A blockchain network you can trust: The Alive token will be an ERC20 token, and will build upon all the security and utility benefits of the Ethereum network. They can be held on any wallet that can store ERC20 tokens, and be easily exchanged in a P2P manner or on exchanges.

There will be a total supply of one billion AL tokens, with 70% being sold during the different Token Sale Stages. As you can see, there’s already a ton of reasons to participate — but investing early is totally worth it, too. Exclusive Private Sale contributors will get bonuses of 15% in ETH. Exclusive Sale contributors will also have the chance to participate in an HTC Vive VR Headset Lucky Draw. At the Alive Casino everyone’s a winner!







Alive Casino

The first cryptocurrency casino to integrate virtual reality gambling. Alive has as its mission to create a living, thriving, and secure gaming alternative.