Alive Casino
3 min readAug 16, 2018


The internet has been a hub for the creation and introduction of various technological innovations, and these innovations have enhanced our productivity in various ways. Some of the technologies in recent times that have proven to be revolutionary and with lots of prospects include the blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, etc. These technological innovations are making headway in the real world and have been applied to different systems in various sectors.

Virtual Reality is one technology that continues to permeate the technological spectrum with its numerous applications. With Virtual Reality, it is easy for users to get the closest to the feel of the real thing, but virtually. And this technology has been integrated with various other technologies, including the blockchain technology, for enhanced functionality.

The casino business in the real world has its side attractions including the ambient environment- noise, fellow gamblers, the food, the entertainment and not forgetting the jackpots. All these combine to give gamblers a wholesome experience while enjoying the interactions with the casino staff that are trained to be friendly with the players. These attractions and experiences with the real world casinos always keep has the gamblers coming back, and this gives the real world casinos some edge over online casinos. However, while the online casinos do not have the ambient atmosphere of the real world casinos, they have their own unique advantages, as more people have become comfortable with gambling online.

In line with the advancements in technology, a new way to combine the real world environment of casinos with the versatility and speed of online casinos has been created. Alive Casino has taken that quantum leap at providing gamblers with the feel of the real world casino with the seamless connectivity of the online casino, via the use of virtual reality technology. With Alive Casino, gamblers can enjoy the real casino environment with the sounds, from the comfort of their homes, or wherever they please. Furthermore, Alive Casino is making this happen while using the revolutionary blockchain technology.

Alive Casino is the first blockchain based online casino to bring gambling to virtual reality, and have thus created a technological innovation that has a lot of potentials at being the world’s next big thing.

A combination of Virtual Reality, Blockchain technology, and online gambling will cause a paradigm shift in the whole gambling industry, as transparency and security will be promoted, while at the same time improving on the speed of transactions when winnings are being transferred.

Now with Alive Casino’s blockchain based virtual reality online casino, users no longer have to bother about going to the casino, as Alive Casino brings the whole casino to them wherever they are, with added features and benefits. Virtual Reality is the future of gambling, and Alive Casino has brought that future to us. Get ready to immerse yourself in the beautiful experience of gaming and gambling via Virtual Reality, while enjoying the benefits of the blockchain technology.



Alive Casino

The first cryptocurrency casino to integrate virtual reality gambling. Alive has as its mission to create a living, thriving, and secure gaming alternative.