The Power and Terror of Redefining Yourself

Rachel (Koontz) Warmath
4 min readJan 18, 2023
Photo by DNK.PHOTO on Unsplash

Over the last year or so, I’ve experienced a number of identity shifts. The ways I used to define myself — the things I’ve considered core parts of who I am and who I’m becoming have shifted.

Truly, the biggest shift has been to move from the external to the internal.

Growing up I was always the good student and the hard worker. The high achiever.

In recent years I’ve been a runner/athlete and a first-time author and someone who wasn’t afraid to change my life and move to a new state.

I’ve spent a lot of time defining myself by external things — my passions and hobbies, my achievements, the things I do on a consistent basis.

I’m finally ready to love myself as I am as a person, without the self-acceptance being based on outer validation and activities.

I am an incredible woman. An amazing partner, daughter, and friend. I am lovable and loved.

No matter what I’m doing, I’m safe, valuable and worthy just being me.

Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

Here are a few things I’ve learned in the healing process, during this potent time of redefining myself:



Rachel (Koontz) Warmath

Rachel Warmath is a writer and yoga teacher based in Utah. She writes about yoga, being an empath, writing and self-publishing books and building confidence.