Pain — lots of it

4 min readMay 17, 2020

I was going to use ‘Pain 24/7’ as my title. However, that isn’t true. I do sleep at night (for varying amounts, almost always waking at least once per night) and then I am not aware of pain. Well, my waking consciousness is not aware of pain right then. I am sure my body and my brain is recognising that there is pain within my body. I certainly wake up with pain (and stiffness, which makes our thick bedroom carpet really welcome for my sore feet, and makes walking downstairs a slow and awkward process).

Let me go back and introduce myself. I am a 49 year old Dairy Farmer’s wife from Pembrokeshire in Wales, UK. I have Fibromyalgia (diagnosed formally in 2010, but I think it has been a part of my life since childhood), Hyper Mobility Syndrome (only diagnosed at the same time as Fibro, but makes a lot of sense now looking back) and Psoriasis (suddenly appeared all over my body at the age of 3).

All 3 of these give me pain. How are your pain levels? I always think that if you are reading my words, then you probably have some chronic or acute pain yourself (yes, my Fibro fog meant that I couldn’t remember the opposite to chronic, so had to Google it!).

Do people ask politely how you are feeling today, and you politely reply that you are “ok”, “a bit tired” or perhaps a bit more honestly, “struggling a bit”?




49 year old Dairy Farmer’s Wife from Pembrokeshire in Wales, UK. Living with Fibromyalgia and Psoriasis. Crafter/blogger/F1 fan/TV addict/occasional cyclist.