Why We Feel More Connected in Walking Meetings

Al Jeffery
5 min readSep 19, 2019

“All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking” — Friedrich Nietzsche

There is a reason some of the greatest thinkers (who also happened to be great at marketing their thinking), had a habit of walking; either with themselves or with others.

Sitting down, inside, meeting after meeting, likely with a loose agenda but rarely a significant outcome — that tends to be a large majority of our working lives today.

We meet to share updates, discuss topics that feel slightly irrelevant to our core mission, and very rarely feel more connected with each other than we did beforehand. If anything, we leave with a slight taste of resentment and frustration.

In our personal lives, ‘catching up with a friend,’ might typically look like catching up at the bar, or at the local cafe for a tea or coffee. Again, we might leave feeling satisfied, light and re-connected, but I know for me there is something missing. An ease, the feeling of moving in a common direction, a feeling of being side-by-side, supporting, guiding. Together.

Of course there are some instances in a working environment when indoor meetings make sense.

Types of meetings



Al Jeffery

Exploring our inner-lives and lives together. Director @TheBaseBetween. Integrative psychotherapist, group facilitator, author & friend. www.aljeffery.com