Unemployment in Albania

Alkida Beqolli
3 min readOct 21, 2022


Money is not the most important thing in our lives, but at the same time it is the strongest tool that brings us closer to a happier and safer life. Unfortunately, working hard on breaking the limits that nature put on us, we are imprisoning ourselves due to “the lack of wealth”. Everyday life has become more and more expensive. It is expensive to get an education and it is expensive to live well. These problems are even more present in Eastern countries. History has not optimized them into getting better and fixing the big problems that they have. Albania is one of them, situated in the Balkans, close to Greece, Italy, and Montenegro, blessed by natural beauties, but continuously working into increasing the standard of living. The biggest negative impact on the Albanian economy is the unemployment rate, which unfortunately is increasing more every year.

One of the biggest problems of unemployment in Albania is the transition of the country to the latest technology. Thirty years ago, Albania’s main jobs were simple ones. The only requirement for hiring was a basic standard of understanding and the ability to work. There were no college degrees required, so the biggest part of the population did not find the need to get one. But today, the jobs that are opened have evolved their requirements. Almost in every open position there has a degree requirement, so everyone who applies and does not meet with it, gets disqualified immediately. The people who do not continue their education make up the majority of the people who are unemployed in Albania. This is a huge problem, because those people are the same who will not be able to send their children to university, because of the lack of job opportunities.

Tuition and fees are increasing. Compared to other countries such as the USA, Albanian universities are cheap, but too expensive for Albanians. Minimum wage in Albania is around $350 a month, and that is what most of the Albanians get. Grants given to Albanian students are almost inexistent and it is very difficult for their parents to support them with any costs they might have. Also, it is not easy for Albanian students to find a job while they are in school, because Albanian employers only offer full time employment. Protests have not helped them at all, no one would listen to them and do something to change it. This is bad, because this might push more students to drop out of university. Also pushing people to get out of the country to get a degree in a foreign university or to even move out of the country forever.

Unemployment in Albania is a big problem, and it is damaging the economy very bad. If these problems would have been noticed and solved, then things would have been way better. It is a sad reality that is part of so many countries like Albania. It is time that these problems should be listened and worked on them. Hopefully the future will bring better solutions.

Work cited:

Tiranë, Kodi Postar 1017 Faks: +355 4 2222 411 Anketa Tremujore e …

Instituti i Statistikave info@instat.gov.al Rr. Vllazën Huta, www.instat.gov.al Ndërtesa 35, Hyrja 1 Tel: +355 4 2222 411 Tiranë, Kodi Postar 1017 Faks: +355 4 2222 411 Për publikim 12/09/2022 Vijon Anketa Tremujore e Forcave të Punës Tremujori II 2022


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