“Unveiling the Potential of Alkaline Ionized Water for Skin Health: Fact or Fad?”

Not only does consuming water and staying hydrated promote better digestion and circulation, but it also contributes to healthier skin. Drinking plenty of water will leave you with healthier, younger-looking skin. Drinking enough water will do wonders for your skin’s health and leave you glowing.

You would be shocked to know that drinking water is the most effective anti-ageing medicine because it hydrates the skin, making it smooth and shiny. About 50 to 70 per cent of our body mass is made up of water, including skin, tissues, cells, and organs, so skin is less resilient, oily, flaky, and prone to wrinkles when the body may not be getting enough water.

What is alkaline water?

Normal drinking water has a pH level of 7; on the other hand, Alkaline Water has a higher pH (more basic) than normal tap water, often falling between 7.5 and 9. It is also known as high-pH water or ionized water.

Let’s look at the facts behind the common myths about the benefits of alkaline water for skin:

1. Myth: Alkaline Water Balances Skin pH

Fact: The natural pH of our skin is a bit acidic, ranging from 4.5 to 5.5. It helps to maintain its protective barrier and micro biome. But when alkaline water is used this natural pH is disrupted which may lead to dryness, irritation, and other skin problems.

2. Myth: Alkaline Water Can Cure Skin Conditions

Fact: It is said that staying hydrated is crucial for overall skin health, but there is no scientific proof which suggests that alkaline water solely can cure all skin conditions like — psoriasis, acne, or eczema. All of the above-mentioned conditions are serious and require good medical treatment.

3. Myth: Alkaline Water Is a Fountain of Youth

Fact: While hydration is crucial for skin to remain flexible, the scientific evidence disproves the anti-ageing effects of alkaline water. Factors such as genetics, sun protection, skincare routines and lifestyle play a more significant role in determining skin ageing than the pH level of water you drink.

4. Myth: Alkaline Water Detoxifies the Skin

Fact: The detoxification of the skin is mainly done through sweating, and organs like the liver and kidneys manage the internal detoxification process. The detoxification of the skin has nothing to do with the pH of the water consumed. Hence, the claim that alkaline water detoxifies skin by flushing out toxins doesn’t bag any scientific evidence.

5. Myth: Alkaline Water Hydrates Skin Better

Fact: Alkaline and regular water both hydrate the body, but there is no scientific proof that says alkaline water hydrates the skin better than regular water. It is also noted that excessive consumption of alkaline water can disrupt electrolyte balance and cause health issues.

6. Myth: Alkaline Water Has Antioxidant Properties

Fact: Although some alkaline waters may contain minerals with antioxidant properties, the amount is usually minimal and is not enough to have a significant effect on skin health. Antioxidants are best obtained from a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious foods.

7. Myth: Alkaline water tightens the skin

Fact: Hydration is an important factor for maintaining happy and healthy skin and skin elasticity. However, the pH level of the water, whether alkaline or acidic, does not directly affect the skin’s ability to stay firm or tighten. Instead, hydration helps skin cells grow stronger, temporarily reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, but it doesn’t address the underlying causes of skin laxity. Despite marketing claims promoting the benefits of alkaline water for skin health, there is little scientific research on its skin-tightening effects. To achieve firmness and tightness in the skin include proper skincare, a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and sun protection.


To sum up, while skin hydration is essential for health, scientific research does not provide much truth to the claims about the effects of alkaline water on our skin. To maintain optimal skin health, it’s essential to adhere strictly to established skin care regimens and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Get alkaline water at home

You can make your ionized alkaline water at home by simply installing an Alkaline water ionizer at your home. Set up an Alkaline Water Ionizer today with Alkonic You can also book a free demo from https://alkonic.com




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