Importance of Family Time

All About Child
2 min readDec 2, 2017

Parents spending time together with children is critical for building strong family ties, making lifelong memories and creating an environment that builds self-esteem and character in children. When asked, children say the number one thing they want most from their parents is TIME. Parents don’t have to spend a lot of money to experience quality time with their children; any time spent together sharing an activity is considered quality time. Very often parents think that their physical presence at home qualifies as family time, which is not true because parents are mostly busy at home on cell phone, watching television, browsing internet, entertaining guests, etc. Family time is undivided attention both the parents give to their children.

Here are some reasons why family time is important:

1. Developing self-esteem in children:

Parents who invest quality time with the children participating in activities together build a positive sense of self-worth in children. When children feel that they are valued by their parents, they feel more positive about themselves. These activities don’t have to be expensive or luxurious to be meaningful. Take a walk together, go for a bike ride or play a game of cricket/ soccer in the driveway. The important part is just being together and enjoying each other’s company.

2. Strengthening family bond:

Parents who share activities together regularly form strong emotional ties. Many studies have proved that families who enjoy group activities together share a stronger emotional bond as well as an ability to adapt well to situations as a family. Sharing hobbies, sports, books, movies or other favourite activities will lead in building strong family ties for life. The least the parents can do is to invest in family meal time without the distraction of cell phone and television.

3. Creating happy memories:

Family time creates warm memories for parents and children alike. Children with happy family memories are more likely to create a loving environment for their own children when they grow up. Learning to work and play as a family unit is one of the best lessons children can be taught so they can develop into competent adults and parents.

4. Helping parents and children reconnect:

Spending time together as a family helps busy parents to relax and reconnect with their children. Children tend to share more information about their lives while enjoying an activity with the parents rather than when you ask them “What did you do today?” It is also a time when life lessons, like sharing, fairness and compassion, can be reinforced without conflict. Children grow and change quickly, so family time is a wonderful time to get to know children better.

Parents must be aware that children have the right to seek parents undivided quality time. This is an investment parents are making in developing the personality of the children.



All About Child

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