Environmental Data Management: Automation Technology vs. The Way We Have Always Done It

Allan Blanchard
7 min readApr 10, 2018


The old way still works. Why change?

Is “the way we have always done it” good enough or should we be exploring new automation technologies? For me, the problem with doing things the way I had always done them was I was spending more time looking for mistakes than trying to solve my client’s problems! It was time to change.

Let me take you through my thought process.

In the environmental business we deal with an incredible amount of data. Our environmental projects may have over 100 different chemical analytical results for each sample. Some sites have tens of samples, repeated many times over many years. When managing such a large amount of data, it is extremely difficult to avoid mistakes!

The problem is:

1. Humans make mistakes

2. Checking for mistakes takes time

3. Clients have little tolerance for mistakes

Mistakes can be expensive. A simple transposed number can result in costly errors such as monitoring wells being installed in the wrong location, contamination identified where it does not exist or vice-versa. The problem is that it takes time to check for mistakes — time that cuts into profit margins. Clients expect you to deliver results without errors and they certainly are not willing to pay for their consultant’s mistakes! In this business we rely on repeat business and we are only as good as our last project!

Fortunately, we live in an age where anything that is repetitive, redundant or subject to human error is being automated. Think about how common it is now to use your cell phone to order and pay for your coffee — before you even enter a coffee shop. Utilization of automation technology is becoming standard practice in everything we do.

Automation Technology for Managing Environmental Data

I began to explore technology solutions that would not only prevent mistakes, but also eliminate the possibility for them to occur in the first place. In keeping with this philosophy, I needed a technology that would prevent people from handling or manipulating data — so they would not have an opportunity to mess it up! I also needed a technology that would profoundly increase productivity by automatically performing data analysis, creating drawings and automatically generating routine reports.

Since I could not find an off the shelf technology that met my requirements for automation, affordability and ease of use, I teamed up with software engineers to create OptaHub.com, an entirely new cloud-based platform. Once we built this platform, we had to test it and compare the technology with the way we have always managed data and reporting in the environmental business.

Step 1: Laboratory Data Management

The way we always did it: Laboratory data is delivered to the environmental consultant via a PDF file or an excel spreadsheet. The consultant either copy and pastes the results to append the data into an existing spreadsheet or types the data into a summary table. In this process, we routinely discover errors such as transposed numbers or data copied into the wrong cells.

New Technology: The laboratory data file is automatically uploaded to a secure, cloud database. Technology automatically creates a summary table, compares the results to regulatory standards and highlights exceedences on the table. Since no human touched the data, the possibility for transcription errors is eliminated.

Step 2: Data Analysis

The way we always did it: Data tables employ embedded formulas to make calculations. For example, a formula in the excel table would calculate corrected water table elevations from casing elevation, depth to water and product thickness data. For statistical analyses, specific concentration data would either be linked to or copied into a separate spreadsheet macro utilized to perform calculations and create charts. In this process, we routinely discover errors such as data entry mistakes, spreadsheet formulas that reference the wrong cells and errors carried over from data management mistakes.

New Technology: Technology automatically queries the database and calculates water table elevation data when a user-defined table is requested. Similarly, statistical analysis is performed for any chemical, for any date range and appropriate charts are constructed in a matter of seconds. Since no human enters or manipulates data, those types of mistakes are eliminated.

Step 3: Map Generation

Box Map — What Does It Mean?

The way we always did it: A CAD program is utilized to plot laboratory data on a base map to depict the areal extent of contamination and direction of groundwater flow. To save time, a single box map is created to list select chemicals in a box by each well. The reader must mentally interpret the extent of contamination for each chemical. The water table elevation contours are either drawn by hand or the data is input into a separate contouring program. When we review this process we uncover mistakes such as data plotted at the wrong location, inaccurate contours and errors carried over from data management mistakes.

Automatically Generated Maps for Individual Chemicals

New Technology: Technology automatically plots data on the base map and contours it. Maps are generated in seconds, thereby allowing the user to easily create separate maps for individual chemicals to provide a much clearer depiction of results. Mathematical algorithms draw the contours and since no human is involved in plotting the data, potential mistakes are eliminated.

Step 4: Report Preparation

The way we always did it: A template is made from a previous report or from a report from a similar project. The old information is stripped out and new information is typed in its place. Mistakes arise when the writer fails to remove data from a previous report or makes a mistake while entering updated information.

New Technology: Technology automatically queries the database for information such as sample dates, data ranges, regulatory exceedences, and statistical trends. Users only enter information that requires professional judgement or site-specific information.

Automation Technology Makes Environmental Projects More Efficient

Since no human has to physically enter or copy data, I can see where mistakes are eliminated, but is it really faster?

That is a question we asked as well, so we conducted a case study on six groundwater monitoring/remediation projects. These environmental projects were sites where gasoline had been released into subsurface soil and groundwater. The environmental assessment and remediation progress at these projects is being tracked by quarterly sampling, analysis and reporting. The reporting process was conducted using the traditional data management and reporting methods and then we generated the same reports using OptaHub’s environmental data management and report automation technology.

Report Preparation — The Way We Have Always Done It

Report Preparation — Using OptaHub Technology to Manage Data and Generate Reports

Report preparation included time to assemble remediation system data tables for projects 3, 4,and 6. Report preparation time also included individual state required transmittal forms, signature pages and cover letters which have not been automated. Report time did not include a one-time per project set up time of 30 to 60 minutes to upload historical data and enter site specific data into the OptaHub platform. However, the time that it took for the set-up process was recovered during generation of the first report. In one sampling event, over 35 hours were saved. Since these sites have quarterly reporting requirements, use of the technology has resulted in the savings of over 100 hours in the first year.

Adopt Change or Keep Doing it the Old Way

No one likes change. Change is hard. We fight change every day. We make up sayings like, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” Then we justify not changing by saying “the old way really doesn’t take me that much time and I have a proven process that works.”

Repetitive tasks are the mortal enemy of growing businesses. Finding a way to alleviate them will allow you to focus your efforts on more impactful activities. Be an innovator and stay on top of powerful, emerging technologies. It is an exciting time!

Would you like to see if OptaHub can make your projects better and more efficient? Click here to set up a free trial.



Allan Blanchard

CEO of OptaHub. Passion for learning new skills, transforming businesses with the power of technology, and eliminating foolish mistakes.