Wake Up America

Take Action Now

Allan Marston
2 min readMar 23, 2014


With unemployment still running rampant in the USA and much of Canada I am really hoping that people are not waiting for the government to take care of them. I see the desperation as I read articles about people selling their hair and their eggs. And if that’s not bad enough, how desperate does one have to be to even consider selling one of their kidneys? Folks there are ways out of the mess you are in but it will mean stepping up and stepping out of your comfort zone. I heard someone say that average people do not force themselves to get uncomfortable. That is why they are average.
I want to tell you about an industry that has created more millionaires than any other industry. However, this same industry has also created more failures than any other industry. This same industry has more negative stuff written about it than any other industry and for one simple reason in my humble opinion. It’s because people will never blame themselves. They have to blame someone else to preserve their low self esteem.
Yes, I’m talking about Network Marketing.
People often ask me “Isn’t that illegal?” And I marvel at their ignorance. Amway has been operating for over 50 years. They have fought the government a few times and still survived. Melaleuca, Usana, ACN, NuSkin and many others have been around for over 20 years. Avon and Mary Kay are big names in the direct marketing industry. So why do some people insist on thinking this stuff is illegal. I think it’s a copout so that they don’t have to join and talk to their friends.
And do you know why people don’t want to talk to their friends about joining them in a business? It’s the same reason this industry has so many failures. People quit and people are afraid of one thing; getting their feelings hurt. Poor babies!
I wonder if their feelings get hurt when they are standing in line for food stamps.
Wake up America!
There’s a saying my dad used to use on us kids “God helps those who help themselves”. There are lots of opportunities in this wonderful land of ours. Opportunities to be of service to others and get paid for it. But yes we have to work for it. We have to be accountable for our own actions and not depend on the state and corporations.
175,000 people on average join a network marketing company in America every week. If that number were ten times that and if all of them did 3 things we would not have a financial crisis.



Allan Marston

Allan Marston is a serial & social entrepreneur, a Bitcoin enthusiast and passionate about side-hustles. Allan is also a 🎙Podcaster, ✒️ Author, 🎬 Udemy