Don’t Be Sad! There Are 20 Benefits of a Long Distance Relationship

Allard Almer
2 min readFeb 12, 2018


When trying to think of what to call this post, I came up with a few ideas. One that I nearly used was ‘Top 20 Reasons to Choose a Long Distance Relationship’. But then I actually sat and thought about what I was saying. No-one chooses a long distance relationship; they are difficult and require a lot of work. Nobody enters into a long distance relationship because they want the distance, but because they wholeheartedly love their partner. The distance is just a side effect of that, another challenge in your relationship to overcome. But that does not mean it doesn’t have its benefits (as surprising as that may sound). This is our list of the top 20 benefits that LDRs have to offer.

1. If You Can Survive the Distance, You Can Survive Anything

The classic benefit to a long distance relationship is the knowledge that if you are able to survive it, your relationship can survive nearly anything. Once you close the gap, your issues will pale in comparison to the memory of your long distance relationship and the sheer effort it takes to maintain (financially, physically and emotionally). So knowing that you were able to get through it is a comforting thought, and more importantly, you are safe in the knowledge that life can only get better.>>>READ MORE

