Here 8 Behaviors You Think Are Love But Are Actually Abuse

Allard Almer
2 min readJan 19, 2018


Abusers can be hard to recognize since they don’t advertise their destructive behavior. In fact, abusers are usually as smooth as butter. They do things that are sweet and loving. However, over the course of the relationship, these “loving” acts escalate into abusive behaviors.

Be aware: some of the items on this list really are loving. It’s when these behaviors are taken to extremes and used as manipulation or control that they become abusive. It’s important to evaluate the results of these actions. If these “loving” behaviors only benefit your partner and leave you feeling hurt, used and guilty, it is a sign that you need to get help immediately and get out of that relationship.

Taking care of you

Naturally, taking care of each other is one of the benefits of being in a relationship; meaning, “I want to take care of you” can easily look like love when it’s really abuse. If one partner isn’t allowing the other to work, get an education or save money, it is a sign of abuse. Abusers use phrases like, “I don’t want you to work at a terrible job” or “we can’t afford college right now” to blind you to the fact that they are controlling you. “Taking care of you” is a masquerade used to cut off a victim’s access to education, work experience and income so that their partner doesn’t have the resources to leave, making them dependent on the abuser.>>>READ MORE

