Just for Men: 10 Surprising Traits that Attract Women

Allard Almer
1 min readJan 9, 2018


The truth is, having more money than you can spend is on the top list to become attractive to women. Not that she loves what you have more than what you are. It only means that a man becomes more attractive when he can provide security and a better future for his family. But, if you’re still working your way to making more money, there are certain traits that can make you irresistibly attractive.

1. The Head Tilt

Are you fond of taking selfies or wondering what photo to use for your profile on a dating site? If yes, then you should know this.

In a small study by the University of Newcastle, most of the women participants find photos of men with their heads tilted a bit upward more attractive than those with heads tilted downward.

Why? Because the researchers in this study think that women view men’s faces from below as they are usually shorter, and this is why a head tilt that simulates the view of a man’s face from below is more attractive. Now you know what photo to use that will work best on gaining more attention.>>>READ MORE

