Whistleblower Pointed Out More Shipyard Hot Spots To Navy

Land already transferred to city was on the map

All City News
1 min readApr 5, 2017

An email obtained by public records request revealed whistleblower Anthony Smith told the Navy that SF Shipyard land that had already been transferred to the city was an area of concern. Smith has alleged that clean-up contractor Tetra Tech falsified numerous environmental tests.

An email from Navy official Derek Robinson to Lee Lily at the U.S. EPA and Tamsen Drew from SF’s redevelopment agency, the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure.

This is just one tidbit in a new public records archive we’ve obtained related to the Shipyard development. Look for more stories from All City News in the coming weeks.

Document: RE Anthony Smith map



All City News

All City News is a public-records driven investigative journalism project in the Bay Area.