5 Helpful Tips for Successful Academic Paper Presentations

All Conference Alerts
3 min readNov 24, 2016


So, there is a great upcoming conference about your area of study and you have decided to attend. Send them the abstract of your paper and wait for their response. After receiving an acceptance from them, now it’s time to prepare for the presentation. Actually presentation is one of the easiest ways to stand out an academic conference.

So it’s the time to think about a successful paper presentation and we are going to follow some simple yet vital tips for this.

Preparing the Presentation:
Visual presentations are widely used and the most easy way for academic paper presentations too. So you should be well acquainted with powerpoint slideshows. While preparing the presentation never small fonts always make it little bit larger, so that it can be readable easily. Actually the presentation screen is larger than your computer screen and you should keep that point in mind. Try to make it short and use only important information. Use bullet points to make it simple and easy. In order to fill those extra space in the presentation due to less content, use relevant Images and Charts.

Before Presentation:
Arrive at the conference room little earlier and check the equipments you are supplied to make the presentation. Test them and connect your powerPoint file. It’s good if everything is working fine, else ask for another good one. After proper setup wait for your turn.

The Presentation:

Briefly tell about the topic. Try to get the interest and attention of the audience in the opening. Let them know about the structure and main points of the presentation. The audience wants to listen and know about your research. So tell them. Don’t waste your time with providing information. Those basic information of your research are already known to most of the people and you shouldn’t waste your time on that. Be sure that your presentation is meaningful and contents some great points of your research. Data and case studies should be there to make it more live. Don’t overload your powerpoint file with so many stuffs.

If you are new at delivering your research presentation, it may feel uncomfortable for you. So you need a lot of practice. Practice it at home or among friends or in front of your guider. Practice a lot and be sure that you will never stop at the conference while showing the presentation.

Remember the Time:
Time is the important thing and your presentation has also a time limit. You need to remember it carefully and be sure to make the best use of this. In order to make the best use of your short allotted time, you need to practice it before. While practicing at home you should make the limited time barrier and practice accordingly. This will help you to make a proper time management and successful paper presentation.

