Rain at the End of the day ..? Is it Nature’s way of embarking a new beginning…!

8 min readDec 23, 2023


Today the sky was cloudy despite of the sunny weather for the whole month.Maybe someone wished for a new start..Someone once said each rainy day has a special story for someone which means when we are just looking at the raindrops it’s whispering a secreat message for someone.Maybe it’s just a folklore…still I’m enchanted by it’s influence on my wandering thoughts.As I was watching the whole rain through small bars of my window some cold drops landed on my cheeks I think at some point my inner child wished for being that special one for whom the the rain have a secret to share with.As I was looking out of windows I could see the whole city was lightened up and maybe each windows had a story like mine ..that time I realized all I wanted was just someone to be my side and someone to hear me at the end of the day as I was left alone in that dark room …

Someone once told me to listen to the rhythm of falling rain …and once I did …I wanted to overlook all the science explaination on the rain and just wanted to believe it as an embrace from someone away. Each and every little things have a big role in our life it depends on how we see it….That few moments in the rain brought me back to my childhood,happy moments and sad tornements,it was an overflow of emotions.Sometimes we don’t have to be well planned just move along with the flow…Sometimes just belive on some legends eventhough it’s not true…who cares..?as long as we are happy it’s all that matters.

There is an interesting anime once I came across Weathering with You — an animated film that tells the story of a high-school boy who ran away to Tokyo and befriended an orphan girl with the ability to manipulate the weather. It is set in a world wherein rain never stops, so the people have learned to accept the gloomy weather as a part of their everyday life.

The film was written and directed by the Japanese animator, filmmaker, and manga artist Makoto Shinkai. According to an article published by Deadline, Shinkai was inspired to create the film because of his interest in climate change. In an interview, he said he wanted to make a story about young people dealing with the environmental issue because he had noticed that the world has changed so much because of climate change.

Isn’t it interesting how a person was able to create such a unique story because of the long-term changes in our weather patterns?

The monsoon season is considered the best season among all the seasons. Rainy day is awaited by one and all as the weather on such a day is pleasant. A Rainy Day is a perfect day to enjoy the nature and be one with it. The entire atmosphere fills with joy on a rainy day. Be it kids, adults or elderly people — everyone loves this day.
The term “Rainy Day” is typically used for a day when it rains. While monsoon has a definite arrival time, duration and exit pattern; a rainy day on the other hand, can occur anytime of the year, though, it is also more likely to occur during monsoon.
Rainy day is advantageous to both the urban as well as rural population. Apart from the human population rainy day is also beneficial to flora and fauna of a place. Despite being beneficial to the ecology of a place, rainy day might cause little discomfort in some cases.

Rain is a natural phenomenon that has been a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and thinkers throughout history. The rain symbolism and meaning have been explored in various cultures and traditions. Rain is often associated with life, growth, and renewal, but it can also represent sadness, loss, and despair. In this article, we will delve into the rich symbolism of rain and its significance in art, literature, and cultures around the world.In agricultural societies, rain was especially important for survival. Farmers relied on rain to water their crops and provide the nutrients they needed to grow. During times of drought, life becomes so much harder, as crops would fail and food would become scarce. However, when rain finally came, it could bring new life and vitality to the land. This is why rain was often seen as a symbol of hope and renewal in these societies.Rain is often associated with growth because it provides the necessary water for plants to thrive. Without rain, plants would not be able to grow and produce food. This is why rain is often seen as a symbol of renewal and rejuvenation. In many cultures, rain is seen as a blessing from the gods, as it brings life to the earth and allows crops to grow. In literature, rain is often used as a metaphor for growth and change, as characters undergo personal transformations during rainy periods.From a scientific perspective, rain can also be seen as a cleansing and purifying force.

When rain falls, it brings with it a variety of substances from the atmosphere, such as dust and pollutants. As the rainwater falls to the ground, it picks up additional impurities from the surface it touches, such as dirt and debris.

However, as the rainwater flows over surfaces and through the ground, it undergoes a natural filtration process that removes many of these impurities.

Rain has long been associated with sadness and despair in literature and art. The image of rain falling from the sky is often compared to tears falling from the eyes of a person who is crying. This comparison creates a powerful emotional connection between the rain and human emotions. The sound of raindrops hitting the ground can also be seen as a melancholic sound, adding to the sense of sadness that rain can bring.

In fact, there is scientific evidence to support the idea that rain can affect our mood. Studies have shown that rainy weather can lead to feelings of sadness, fatigue, and even depression. This is thought to be due to a decrease in the amount of sunlight we receive on rainy days, which can disrupt our circadian rhythms and lead to a decrease in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood.Rain symbolizes change and transformation due to its ability to bring about a significant shift in the environment. Rain is often associated with the end of a dry spell and the beginning of a new season. This change can be seen as a metaphor for personal growth and transformation. Just as rain brings new life to the earth, it can also bring new opportunities and experiences to individuals.Another way rain symbolizes isolation and loneliness is through its ability to create a sense of distance between people. When it is raining, we are often separated from others by umbrellas, raincoats, and other protective gear. This physical distance can contribute to a sense of emotional distance as well, as we may feel cut off from others during these times.

For example, in the film ‘Blade Runner’, it never stops raining. This perpetual rain creates a dark, dystopian atmosphere that sets the tone for the film. It helps establish the gloomy, gritty, and futuristic world that the characters inhabit, contributing to the overall sense of a world in decay. It also leverages really well the rain symbolism of darkness, isolation, and the struggle between humans and technology. Rain here reflects the emotional states of the characters and their experiences within the complex and morally ambiguous world of the film.

In summary, rain symbolism encompasses renewal, cleansing, and the cyclical nature of life. It mirrors human emotions and experiences, reminding us of the beauty in growth and adversity. Whether as a catalyst for change or a symbol of introspection, rain’s diverse meanings inspire contemplation and creativity. As we journey through life’s storms, rain symbolism teaches us to find wisdom in challenges and embrace the clarity they ultimately bring.

As school got over, raindrops trickled down my face as I cycled home. It was raining, the bright sun had disappeared behind dark clouds. I went home changed into fresh clothes and snuggled into bed with a glass of hot chocolate with marshmallows. Out of my window I saw people covering their heads and running towards their houses. Some children were even playing in the rain. A cool breeze blew that refreshed and soothed everyone. Paper boats were sailing down the puddles. I felt like going out in the rain and getting drenched and asked my mother if she would come too. She readily agreed. Without wearing raincoats, we ran down. A peacock was dancing in the rain in the city? Is it believable?

I ran to the park which was generally filled with boys and girls playing together. As it was raining the whole park was left to the two of us. The trees were watered by the raindrops. My mother and I danced and played in the rain. Flowers bloomed and cars were on the street.

Soon it was raining heavily, the streets were flooded. From one of the cars came my father. He joined us. We got tired and went home. Then my friends came with bats , balls and wickets. We started playing cricket. It was fun playing in the rain. I did not realize I had spent one hour in the rain. I went home and suddenly the sun was shining again, the rain slowly stopped.

The excitement of rain begins when you sense its coming. The clouds, heavy with the fresh water, gather across the sky over us slowly, deliberately slowly, I imagine, to build up the suspense. Sometimes clouds can be cruel and play mean joke upon us by gathering over us and thus lifting up our anticipation only to disperse quickly and dash our excitement. However, when the clouds come for real, when they are not in one of their mischievous moods, we feel our spirit jumping up and down with excitement. Then, the windows of the clouds open and the heavens smile upon us, and the rain come pouring down with the very speed of longing and love for mother earth. At such times, if I happen to be in my home, I would snuggle into the warmth of my blanket on my bed, not to drift to sleep as most people are fond of doing, but to keep awake, more keenly awake than in my waking hours, and just listen and watch the music of nature in all its splendour and generosity. Blissful smile that emanates from the depth of my being spreads across my face as I listen to the music the rain makes on the roof of my room — I like to be in rooms with zinc roofs, if I can help it — with the master musician wind playing flute. I know no joy that compares to the joy my entire being experience at these moments.

Rain is the eternal vocalist with enamouring voice that has sung songs to humanity since the beginning of time. I have not the slightest of idea what the subjects of these songs are. I do not speak Rainish. I believe Rainish is the language of Nature we humanity had forgotten long time ago, when we cut ourselves from Nature and chose to live in artificial world. At such times, when its grandeur and beauty over floods us though, if we but silence our chaotic inner world and just listen and watch, we will find that our unconscious mind does understand this language, for then, the music moves us to joy, meditation, or sorrow, without us understanding why at our conscious level.

