Do you think one of your close friends is jealous of you?

The Secret Writer
2 min readJun 20, 2024


Did you recently get a raise at your job, or maybe you got your dream job, in the case congratulations. You are basking in your success, your family is proud of you as well, but you can’t help but feel a little fearful to tell that ONE specific friend.

You’re thinking about their reaction to your great news, how it’ll make you feel, should you even tell them? What if they are perhaps…jealous? Maybe we should take a closer look at their behavior and how they act around you after hearing your news.

Pay attention to how this friend of yours acts around others. Do they act the same around you? Are they able to maintain stable, long term friendships? These are the first questions you should ask yourself when being around this person. If you haven’t really seen them around others, try to make that happen.

Let’s hypothetically say they don’t act weird, or odd around other friends and they have maintained stable friendships. Do they constantly talk negative about others? Do you ever feel like all they do is gossip? Pay attention to the topics this person talks about, it gives you an idea about how they talk about you to others.

Look into their habits, do they tend to pick up, if not copy some of your habits? They try to slowly emulate you or the habits you have? Some say that imitation is flattery, but I don’t believe them for a second. Imitation is someone essentially trying to be you, trying to achieve, if not surpass you to make you feel worse about yourself.

We also come across projection, and snide remarks now these shouldn’t be as hard to see. Think back to when you achieved something you were so proud of, what was the first thing they said? And was the first thing they said genuine? Do they try to pry at your insecurities? Listen to your gut, or if that’s not working ask your mom (my mom somehow always picked out the bad apples).

After you’ve figured this person out and let’s say they are jealous of you, and you have the receipts to prove it, what you do next is crucial. You leave, you cut this person out of your life. Even if this person is the only friend on your life, you leave. It is better to be alone and happy then together and anxious. Everything happens for a reason, letting than one jealous friend go..could bring you a whole new friend group. The universe is big on karma, and it only wants what is best for you, so do yourself and the universe a favor and dump this friend.

