A Smart Parent’s Guide to making their kids Future-ready!

ALLEN IntelliBrain
4 min readJun 20, 2022


STEM Activity Box

The number one concern of every parent is how to ensure a successful career for their child in the future. Although it may sound like something that depends on the kids themselves, parents also have a huge role to play.

The way they handle things at home, the way they treat their kid or the school they pick — all these things influence a kid’s future.

Different experiences influence kids in different ways. So, we must ensure that their life is filled with rich and positive learning experiences for them to become successful and well-rounded individuals in the future.

Let’s look at five important ways in which you can make your kid future-ready:

1. Make use of everyday situations to learn.

Every life event is an opportunity for kids to learn. Bath time, laundry, cooking, gardening and many such household chores are all excellent learning opportunities. Visiting different places like the grocery store, mall, zoo, hospital or even watching movies offer many more life lessons.

For instance, one could teach scientific concepts while cooking or teach maths while sorting clothes. Involving the child in planning a party could build soft skills. Academic concepts learnt through real-world examples stay with the child for life.

2. Set a good example.

Kids are excellent impersonators. Everything you do is picked up by them. If they see you reading, they’ll get curious about reading and if they see you using a mobile phone all the time, they will do the same.

They become adept at reading faces and non-verbal sentiments and learn to mimic you. Your actions and reactions teach them manners and values. How you treat others and respond to problems shapes their attitudes.

How you treat your child affects their self-esteem and confidence and makes them who they are.

3. Adopt an activity-based learning.

Kids are kids ultimately. They like to play, get their hands dirty, and have fun. When kids realize learning is no play, they don’t welcome it. That’s not good, is it?

So, adopt an experiential and experimental learning technique where the kid can have both fun and education. This also takes a lot of pressure off the parents as they don’t have to nag the kids to study anymore. Kids will look forward to it on their own.

4. Develop soft skills.

When you go into the real world, soft skills like communication, creativity, decision-making and problem-solving weigh way more than school grades. Because the competition in the real world is no joke.

Leadership Skills like the above will set your kid apart from the crowd and push them towards a successful career. In fact, skills like these are the first priority for employers in the 21st century.

5. Sense of achievement.

There’s nothing like a good compliment or reward to boost a child’s sense of self-worth. It brings a tremendous sense of victory to the kids and gives them a sense of achievement. This builds positive pride and makes them want to achieve even more.

They develop a goal-oriented attitude and learn to focus their skills in construction ways. So, as a parent, make sure to appreciate you kid for every little success and teach them to not get discouraged by small failures.

Show them that every set-back is simply a learning opportunity and can only make them stronger and wiser.

So, you see that true education is not just academic but holistic, drawing from life itself. Make sure you choose the right education partner for your child to help you in this journey.

ALLEN Career Institute has won the trust of more than 2.5 lac students in a span 34 years for successfully clearing competitive examinations like NEET(UG) and JEE (Mains & Advanced). In order to lay the foundations of success from the earliest stage, ALLEN has now stepped into the sphere of childhood development through its unique initiative, ALLEN IntelliBrain.

ALLEN IntelliBrain has developed an array of progressive online and offline programmes and products for bringing out the genius in every child. Based on the recommendations of NEP 2020, IntelliBrain Childhood Development and Pedagogy experts have designed the Intelli SMART Box to make learning truly fun and experiential.

The ALLEN SMART Box is India’s best DIY STEM learning Activity kit for students of Grades 1 to 8. The activities are mapped with grade-wise school curriculum to enable kids to learn and apply vital academic concepts through practical activities. It follows the Experiential, Experimental and Edutaining Methodology to develop love for learning in kids.

Maths Activity Kit helps kids to visualise and master Mathematical concepts through fun activities and interesting games.

Science Activity Kit helps kids to attain in-depth knowledge and understanding in vital Scientific concepts.

ALLEN SMART Box for each grade covers important academic topics and contains the following to ensure 360° fun learning for your child:

  • Topic-wise Concept Manuals: Crisp, condensed theory with engaging illustrations, real-world examples, activity-instructions
  • Activity Kits: Comprehensive, attractive, high-quality reusable materials for performing an array of activities, experiments and constructions.
  • DIY Videos: ALLEN experts performing each activity for clear guidance.
  • Fun Exercises: Observation and analysis based fun exercises for reinforcing the learning
  • Little Scientist Certificate: The child can upload a video of him/ her perform the activity and claim a Little Scientist Certificate.

Thus, the child improves academic learning through real-life application, develops critical skills, improves IQ and builds confidence.

This STEM Activity Kit can be ordered at the click of a button at the IntelliBrain website, Amazon and Flipkart for quick doorstep delivery. So, what are you waiting for? Give your child the best education today.

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ALLEN IntelliBrain

ALLEN IntelliBrain strives to help kids gain an educational experience which fulfills their learning requirements according to their learning styles.