What is different about Vedic Mathematics?

ALLEN IntelliBrain
4 min readJul 9, 2022


Vedic maths

India is a place of many inventions and diverse cultures. It is the land where ‘0’ was born. One may even call it the land of Mathematics.

In 1965, Shri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj compiled the amazing methods and techniques used by the ancient Indian Mathematical geniuses as Vedic Maths. Also known as Vedic Ganit, it comprises 16 Formulae(Sutras) and 13 Sub Formulae.

Now that you know what Vedic mathematics is, let’s see what is different about it compared to conventional maths.

  1. A wide range of application

Vedic Maths cannot fully replace conventional Maths. The concepts are still the same. Vedic Maths simply uses simplified calculation techniques for performing a range of arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squaring, cubing, and finding square roots and cube roots. It also finds its use in repeating decimals and auxiliary fractions.

Thus, it has a wide range of applications and proves to be very useful in strengthening Mathematical aptitude for studying advanced Mathematics in higher classes.

2. Promotes mental calculations

The techniques used in Vedic maths are so simple that calculations involving even large numbers only take a few steps. Due to this simple approach, calculations using Vedic Maths can be performed mentally.

Even a problem as difficult as 10032 can be solved within a minute, that too with only mental calculation.

With practice, the speed and accuracy of mental calculations get better. It truly is extraordinarily satisfying. The expertise is even greater when it is learned and practiced at a young age.

It is especially beneficial when appearing for competitive exams where calculators are not allowed. It saves a ton of rough work and time.

3. Easy to grasp

Vedic mathematics is simple and easy to grasp. Once a kid grasps the fundamental ideas, they may become more creative in their approach. As a result, their comprehension increases.

It is adaptable and appropriate for learners of all ages. Using Vedic Maths regularly makes kids adept in calculations and prepares them for handling complex calculations in the future with ease and confidence. Learning Vedic Maths definitely gives your child an advantage over their peers.

4. Better than Abacus

Abacus is used for calculations in China and Europe, whereas Vedic mathematics is an ancient Indian approach to Mathematics.

One striking distinction between Abacus and Vedic mathematics is that Vedic maths does not need any kit or equipment like Abacus. The only instrument you need is your mind.

This makes learning it more empowering and satisfying. Another difference is that Abacus is only capable of doing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Vedic Maths can be applied to a wide range of modern Math problems.

5. Takes less time to finish the modules

A subject needs to be practiced, of course. However, what I mean, is the speed of learning is fast with Vedic maths as it only takes about two months to learn all the techniques.

The concepts are very crisp and easy as pie. After learning the techniques the child must regularly practice them to gain expertise.

So these are the main differences between Vedic Maths and conventional Maths. Once your kid begins learning it, you will truly see the difference. It doesn’t just stop with academic performance, but the benefits will be reaped throughout life.

Vedic maths is truly that transformational.

ALLEN IntelliBrain Vedic Mathematics online classes for kids in grades 1–8 (& above) is one program that is perfect for your kids. Its teaching methodology is very structured, child-friendly, and real-life application-oriented, which makes it one of the best online Vedic Maths programs.

Kids not only learn tricks and techniques but also ways to build their mental abilities like logical reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. It is truly what kids need in their growing-up years.

Flexible batches and timings help kids to seamlessly integrate their Vedic Maths classes with their academic schedules.

About IntelliBrain Vedic maths classes in a few words:

  • Grade-wise and level-wise structure
  • Self-paced learning system for kids to set their own speed without any pressure.
  • Interactive classes and personal attention by ALLEN childhood development experts.
  • Digital practice sheets, special practice sessions, Live Assessments, ePTMs, and progress tracking
  • Guided real-life application through text-book questions solving

ALLEN Vedic Maths Online classes help children to overcome the fear of Maths and develop a love for numbers. It improves concentration, confidence, and competitive spirit. It gives your child an advantage in any competitive exam and lays a strong foundation for learning advanced Mathematical concepts in the future.



ALLEN IntelliBrain

ALLEN IntelliBrain strives to help kids gain an educational experience which fulfills their learning requirements according to their learning styles.