Fixing the pieces of a QR code

Allen Alexander
3 min readJun 18, 2019


#1 rule of Friendship

Let’s all address the one thing we ask our friend every time we go to their place is “What is the Wifi password?”.That is like the ultimate testimony of your friendship for millennials these days or one of the ten commandments of the infamous ‘Bro Code’.

Phones have become so advanced these days that you can connect to the wifi without knowing the password right?. If you are wondering what I’m talking about — it’s nothing but the infamous QR code. A great drunkard once said, “The QR code for ages has been thought of as a language of how aliens would communicate or something developed by the “Illuminati”.

By scanning the QR code, you can access someone’s WiFi without knowing the actual password. This feature is remarkably cool with all mobile devices. But the challenge is to adopt it for a laptop or a PC. Let’s say you want to connect to the WiFi from your laptop and all you have is a QR code.

I have a solution that just seems right. Keep in mind, you can use it to decode any QR code. It might take a little longer to connect if you might as well ask it straight from your friend.

Why approximately?

I’ll give you five funny reasons why you must use this method:

1. You are with a bunch of friends and the friend who owns your WiFi is busy or out for some reason and you have a really strong urge to connect to the Internet.

2. You have your ex-girlfriend’s QR code and you want to steal her WiFi purely out of revenge.

3. You have lost your memory and can’t remember the password and all you have is a QR code.

4. You are in the office and want to use a shared network for purely professional reasons.

5. You want to yourself create a QR code and pass a secret message and test if the QR code.

6. You want to kill the landlord’s bandwidth by downloading movies.

How exactly?

Let’s come to the point, how do we decode a QR wifi password?

Step 1:Take a screenshot of the QR code.

Step 2: Go to

Step 3: Click on Choose file and upload the screenshot of the QR Code by clicking on start.

Step 4: Voila! Your password will be generated in the result.

Below content->P: “Password”

Pat your back ! . You are now the keeper of the password!

