You only love 3 people in your lifetime.

3 min readFeb 26, 2024


Have you heard the term “You only love three people in your life. One is your first love, the second is your heartbreak love, and the third is your golden love.”

The term has been popularized on social media, and everyone has been obsessing about it. What’s actually the meaning of it?

Loving three people in your life doesn’t mean you only love three people in your life. It means that you have three stages in accepting and getting your true love. All the phases are important because, in every single one of them, we experience, improve, and accept. Let me give you a deep dive into those three phases of love.

1. First Love

In this phase, your current age is probably around 12–20 years old. You’re still in your early stages of life, and it’s your first time experiencing love. Love in your mind is just lovely feelings combined. You feel nervous, you feel happy and, you feel new to this stuff. First love is also the type of love where you positively think that maybe this is the right person, but in fact, it’s not. This phase is not about loving somebody deeply, it’s about learning how to love and be loved. You learn how your partner acts about something, learn their interests, and much more. It’s like school. You learn things in this phase.

Unfortunately, this phase has to end. Most first-love breakups end up with “We don’t match” or “I’m bored with you.”

It means that it’s still early in our stage to face love maturely.

2. “Heartbreak” Love

I call it “heartbreak” love because we learn love through mistakes and breakdowns. In this phase, your range of age is probably young adults or older teens. First love teaches us about how we act and face love but in this phase, we learn how to fix love. Meeting this “heartbreak” person might be nice at the start (or maybe you don’t even realize it at all), but as time goes on, problems start to appear. Not just a problem, but a lot of them. We thought that maybe if we only learned how to love or be loved, we could easily find our soulmate, but it’s not that easy.

In this phase, you’ll face a lot of sadness, confusion, heartbreak, anger, and, maybe worse, depression. This person will cause you pain, in any shape or form. This person will make you feel like you don’t deserve to be loved. But in the end, you will leave this person. Whether it’s with pain in the chest or relief, this phase teaches us about how to deal with problems and act maturely.

3. Golden Love

Everyone has their own version of the name of this phase, but I call it golden love, just like Taylor Swift mentioned in her song “Daylight.” This love comes unexpectedly, without you even knowing. You don’t have to chase this person. This person chases you and gives their love to you. You don’t feel excited like in your first love, and you also don’t feel confused like in your heartbreak phase. Instead, you feel calm, warm, and certain about your feelings. You trust this person with your life and your family. This person always makes you feel enough and worthy. This person might not look perfect in your eyes. But in your heart, this person fits perfectly. That’s why, in golden love, you tend to accept your partner’s weaknesses and instead love their strengths.

Golden love came like the wind. It doesn’t surprise you, but it sure makes you feel good.

All of these phases are important, and I'm sure that every single person on this planet will go through them.

“Love isn’t something that you force yourself into; it’s something you accept.”

Thanks for reading.

