When saying “I love you” just doesn’t cut it…

Cody Smith
2 min readDec 5, 2019

And what to say instead that really makes a difference.

A few weeks ago, I was scrolling through Facebook wasting time when I should have been writing.

I saw a post from a friend….

….His father had died suddenly .

It was tragic.

This friend I have never met in person. We had mutual interests for entrepreneurship and formed a small accountability group of three people.

I sent him a message in the group offering my condolences. He responded rather quickly. He said nothing in the world could have prepared him for this…

He had just lost his father. His whole world changed in an instant. No one is ever ready.

I didn’t hear from him until today. He’s doing okay given the circumstances, but he said something that brought me to tears as I reflected on my life.

He said:

The one thing I’ve unfortunately learned is that in hindsight “I love you” just doesn’t cut it. I told my father I loved him every time we spoke. And now I realize that saying I love you is the same as saying “see you later” or some other insignificant goodbye. I wish I’d told my father WHY I loved him more often.

After I read it, I tried to jog my memory of the last time I told my dad why I loved him.

Then it hit me…

…I’ve never told him why.


I felt a tear fall down my cheek as the thought crossed my mind.

Tears are coming again as I write this.

I’ve never once told him what he means to me.

I’ve never once told him what a great dad he is.

I’ve never once told him how much I look up to him.

I’ve never once told him how it warms my heart to see just how much my kids love him.

I’ve never told him anything like that.

I’ve only ever said, “I love you.”

I guess I thought that was enough…

This is outside what I normally talk about, but it struck me so hard I wanted you to know just in case there is someone in your life who needs to hear what they mean to you.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Don’t assume they know. Don’t put it off.

Do. Tell. Them.

I’m writing a letter to my dad.

I need him to know because one day it will be too late.



Cody Smith

Cody is an author, speaker, and Dorito eater. Check out his latest book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082DHCV2S/ Blogger to Author